Screen 2 - Additional Information & History


Enter "Y," "N," or "T" in this field.  You may set a default entry by setting up SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 2014.  Also enter "Bar" in number 2062 to make barcodes print on barcode/price labels.

"Y" A label may be printed for this item with a barcode.
"N" A label may not be printed for this item.
"T" A label may be printed for this item without a barcode.


This field has different variables:

"Y" or "blank" WILL analyze with the IVHR History Roll and WILL change the price with the Price Update program IVUP.
"N" WILL NOT analyze with the IVHR History Roll, but WILL change the price with the Price Update program IVUP.  Will not take the max/min fields to zero on IVR returns, when all items are returned.
"1" WILL NOT analyze with the IVHR History Roll and WILL NOT change the price with the Price Update program IVUP.
"2 WILL analyze with the IVHR History Roll and WILL NOT change the price with the Price Update program IVUP.

Months to Stock

Enter the number of months you want to stock the item and, when a work order or an automatic order is made, the item will not be put on the order should you not want to stock the item during the month you are making the order.  Defaults to 01-12.   If seasonal item, go to SYS, Config File, Change 199 Categories and on the category the items are tied to, put an "X" in the "(X)empt" field, so that these items will not be deleted when IVHR History Roll is run.


If you want to track the customers who are buying this item, enter a "Y." If you do not want to track this item, enter "N" in this field.  You may set a default in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 2016.

Max Line Disc

Will default to 99, which will give up to a 100% discount on this item.  A smaller amount entered here will only allow a discount percentage up to that amount.


A one-character field; defaults to "Y."  If item is not returnable, enter an "N."  "N" will not allow the item to be pulled to a projected inventory return report (IVR).


A four-character field that is automatically changed when changes are made and saved on the "On Hand" amount.  Will accept a three-digit figure and show a minus amount.

Pub. Date

Enter the date the item was published.

Return By

Enter the date the item must be returned by.


Will compute the number of days since last sold and keep a record of the last two sales cycles.  (This field cannot be edited.)

Purchases YTD

This field is for future use.

Total Return

If the item is put on a return request and merged, this amount will show how many were returned.


When IVHR ("History Roll") is run at the end of a month, items over $1.00 retail and backlisted items are ranked according to selling quantity (best seller/worst seller). (This field cannot be edited.)

Note: You may reset "Rank" without running the history roll by using the TOP ("Top Sellers") program. Enter the appropriate month to begin a three-month calculation.

Example: Entering a "4" would calculate April, May and June.


Note:   You may want to put a "1" in the "Analyze" field so the items will not be analyzed with the IVHR history roll program or the price changed with the IVUP price update program.

Invoice History

Date (#1, #2 and #3)

The dates of the last three invoices will be entered as the purchase order is merged.

Vendor(#1, #2 and #3)

The vendor number of the last three invoices will be entered as the purchase order is merged.

Number (#1, #2 and #3)

The invoice number of the last three invoices will be entered as the purchase order is merged.

Qty (#1, #2 and #3)

The quantity received on the last three invoices will be entered as the purchase order is merged.

Cost (#1, #2 and #3)

The cost of the item on the last three invoices will be entered as the purchase order is merged.


The date the item is entered on inventory will be entered here after the information is saved.  (Cannot be edited.)

1st Rec

The date the item is first merged into stock will be entered here when the first purchase order is merged.

Last Rec

The last date the item has been received will be entered here when the purchase order is merged.

Last Ord

The last date the item has been ordered will be entered here as a purchase order is made for the item.

Sold #1

The first date back when the item was sold will be entered here when item is sold.

Sold #2

The second date back when the item was sold will be entered here when item is sold.

Sales History

Wk #1

Sales for the current week.  When a customer returns item, will subtract the sale, but will not go into arrears.  Month-to-date will be accurate.

Wk #2 - #8

Sales for the previous 7 weeks.

Jan - Dec (1st column)

January  through December sales for the last January through December completed.

Jan - (2nd column)

January through December transactions for the last January through December completed.

MTD (1st column)

Month-to-date sales since the last IVHR "Monthly" or "Monthly with Stock Changes" history roll was run.

MTD (2nd column)

Month-to-date transactions.

GT (1st column)

Grand total of all sales since the item was put on inventory.

GT (2nd column)

Grand total of all transactions since the item was put on inventory.

Press <F2> to go to Screen 3 to see sales and transactions for the current and last year.