Miscellaneous Configuration Numbers 2050-2090

2050 2051 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070
2076 2077 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090  



2050    IVUP to change prices in masterfile? Y/N

"Y" Prices will be changed in Masterfile when IVUP ("Price Update") is run.
"N" Prices will NOT be changed in Masterfile when IVUP is run.


2051   Use Our Price #1 on IVT, IVWO, IVO, IVR? Y/N

"Y" The selling price ("Our Price #1") will be used on these four reports instead of the retail price ("Sugg. Retail").  This is useful to foreign users who have set configuration 2015 to reflect the exchange rate in the "Our Price #1" field.
"N" The "Sugg. Retail" will be used on these four reports.

2062    Print barcodes on labels? Y/N

"Y" Will print the barcode, as well as the item number on labels, so the items can be scanned at POS.

Note:     This configuration is only relevant for DOS and UNIX users when printing price labels on Dot matrix printers.

2063    Print price on labels? Y/N

"Y" Will print the price on labels.


2064    Print barcodes on labels for special orders? Y/N

"Y" Will print labels for items that have been special ordered.

2065    Mix tickets & barcodes? Y/N

"Y" Allows price tickets, as well as barcode labels, to be printed

2066    Add’l Cat/Alt/Sale/Misc/Inv/2Pric/Loc/Bpric

A field of your choice may be included on barcode/price labels:

"C" Will print catalog number.
"A" Will print alternate category.
"S" Will print sale price, if on sale ("Sale $XX.XX.")
"M" Will print miscellaneous field.
"I" Will print invoice number.
"2" Will print the "Sugg. Retail" price and also the "Our Price #1." ("Reg: XX.XX." and "Ours: XX.XX.")
"L" Will print the information in the location field.
"B" Will print "Sugg. Retail" price plus "Our Price #2."

2067    Do you use a blazer bar code printer? Y/N

"Y" Yes
"N" No

2068    Print labels for non-inventory items? Y/N

"Y" Will allow you to print labels for items on a purchase order that you do not carry in your inventory.

2069    Num barcode strikes 1 or 2 (Dot Matrix.)

To make the barcode print darker, enter a 2.

2070    Barcode Program

DOS: Dot matrix printer, enter IVBC.

Note:     Always use IVBC, unless using barcode software from 3rd party vendors or if using an HP/HP compatible laser printer.

DOS/Windows: If you are printing barcodes with an HP/HP compatible laser printer, enter BARCODE.EXE.

Windows 95 may enter START /W BARCODE.PIF.

Also, insert a line in your Environment file that reads: BARCODE-OUT 4 0 5 LPT2

  • The first number (4) - sets the speed of the printer.
  • The second number (0) - can be a number between 0 and 19.  This number tells your printer how far down on the page to start printing.
  • The third number (5) - sets how far over to print information on label.  (0 equals center, LPT2 is the printer name.)

Note:  DOS/Windows 95 on BSMGR Version 6.0:   Enter BCODE32.EXE.  No Environment File setting is required.

UNIX: If you are printing barcodes with an HP/HP compatible laser printer, Enter BARCODE and insert a line in your Environment file that reads: BARCODE-OUT 4 0 5 /dev/lp
  • The first number (4) - sets the speed of the printer.
  • The second number (0) - can be a number between 0 and 19.  This number tells your printer how far down on the page to start printing.
  • The third number (5) - Sets how far over to print information on label.  (0 equals center.  /dev/lp is the printer name.)

2076    Keep IVO records after merging? Y/N

"Y" Items on a purchase order will still be on the order after merging.  Items that have been merged will be identified with a "Y."  Items in which the quantity ordered has only partially been received and merged will be identified with "P."
"N" Items will be deleted from a purchase order after they are merged and the program exited.  Labels for a P.O. in which items have been deleted after merging cannot be printed.

2077    Add consignment items for ordering purposes? Y/N

If one item is in stock and one is on consignment, for ordering purposes, do you wish computer to assume two are in stock?

"Y" Will assume two are in stock, in the example above.
"N" Will assume one is in stock, in the example above.

2083    Add special orders to in-stock? Y/N/W

"N" Will NOT add special order amounts to the "On-Hand" field of inventory items when the order is merged.
"Y" Will add all special orders into on-hand amounts of inventory items, UNLESS the special order is PAID.  For this to be effective, special orders must be made through the IVSO program and must be included on a purchase order automatically or added to a purchase order by selecting Spl Orders=F8 to add special orders.
"W" NON-PAID special order quantities are added into the "Will Call" field instead of the "In Stock" field of inventory items when a special order is received.

2084    Default for item published? (IVPR) Y/N

"Y" To default the "Item Published" field to "Y" when merging individual items on a purchase order.
"N" To default the "Item Published" field to "N" when merging individual items on a purchase order.

2085    Mark unavail spl order ‘C’ or ‘U’

Special orders that are unavailable from the vendor/distributor because of being out-of-print or not carried any more by the vendor/distributor:

"C" "Canceled" will be put in the "Status Code" field of the special order, and it can be pulled to order again from another vendor/distributor.
"U" A "Unavailable" will be put in the "Status Code" field of the special order, and it will NOT be pulled to order from another vendor/distributor.

2086    Multi-store breakout for ‘IVO’ & ‘IVPR’? Y/N

"Y" Will ask for breakout of items purchased to the different stores on IVO ("Make Purchase Orders") and IVPR ("Receive/Cancel Orders").
"N" Will not ask for breakout of items purchased to the different stores on IVO and IVPR

2087    Print IVP Report? Y/N

"Y" Will print to file or printer.
"N" Will not print.  More than one station can merge at the same time, without changing file names or printer.

2088    Save confirmations? Y/N

IVIC ("Electronic Invoices and Confirmation") provides the ability to save the confirmation file after receiving confirmation of an electronic order.

"Y" Will save the confirmation file.

2089   Print Name/Address lines on Refunds in POS? Y/N

"Y" Yes
"N" No

2090   Use Different Bill To/Ship To in IVO? Y/N

"N" The shipping address on purchase orders defaults to the same as the billing address as set up in the Company Header (ARHD).
"Y" You may enter a different shipping address that will default on purchase orders.