Electronic Ordering - Point-to-Point
(Optional Group of Programs)

(Call BSMGR if you are interested in purchasing this Electronic Ordering program.)



The connection speed will be dependent on the physical ability of your modem and the modem used by the vendor you are calling.


When sending an order, all programs show your purchase order information with the date of the purchase order shown in a box.  This provides you with a visual indication of which order you are sending.  The last order printed/prepared electronically for the supplier is the order that will be sent.

Publisher Number: 001

Shipping Instructions: UPS

Purchase Order Number: 9703250011


Purchase Order Date: 03/25/97


If any of the above information is incorrect, press <Esc>.

Otherwise press <Enter> to continue with the order.

You can send commands directly to the modem if needed. This will allow you to turn off features you do not want enabled (e.g., AutoAnswer), or features that are causing connection failures with electronic ordering vendors (e.g., fax capability or data compression).  This capability is available through the menu option "Send AT String to Modem" in Generic Electronic Ordering (GEO), New Day, Standard Automated Session (SAS), and Spring Arbor Access (SAA) only.  After setting the modem in one of those programs you can exit that program, and the settings will be remembered by the modem when you electronic order with any vendor.  If you do not write the string to the modem’s memory, the modem will reset to its previous setting after you power-off the modem (or turn off the computer for an internal modem).  The following screen will be shown:

CAUTION: Carelessly altering or adding the initialization string may cause unpredictable results. This option is provided for customers whose modems are having difficulties connecting with a vendor’s computer.

Current modem initialization string: ATZ\r


Press <Enter> to retain current initialization string.

Enter NONE to erase previous string.


New modem initialization string:      

Enter the new string and press <Enter>.  The current, or new string (if string has been changed), will be sent to the modem.  The modem return code will be shown.

You have the option of submitting Sound Scan or Vital Title information to Spring Arbor.  For instructions on how to submit Sound Scan or Vital Title information to Spring Arbor, see the instructions in  SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4018 in the "Miscellaneous Other Programs" section.

All electronic ordering programs, except SAS, automatically request an acknowledgment after sending the order.  GEO, SAA, SAS, and Riverside allow you to call back and request an acknowledgment at a later time, if you do not receive the acknowledgment immediately after sending the order.

Automatic processing of acknowledgments is only possible on single-order acknowledgments.  Also, Ingram acknowledgments cannot be processed automatically by Bookstore Manager at this time.


Electronic Ordering Programs

Generic Electronic Ordering (GEO)
Ingram New Day Spring Arbor
Standard Automated Session (SAS)



Generic Electronic Ordering (GEO)

Use the GEO program for electronic commerce with the vendors listed on the upper right side of the COMM screen.  The program allows you to send your order and get an acknowledgment, or request a previous acknowledgment.  The communication specifics for Riverside, Chordant, and Appalachian are set up in the SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, numbers 7013, 7017 and 7019.  The communication specifics for all other vendors are set up in the vendor’s Standard Automated Session (SAS) set up screen access from IVVM.

The following screens are displayed:

Options on First Screen



Riverside (info in SYS|CONFIG)


Chordant (info in SYS|CONFIG)


Appalachian (info in SYS|CONFIG)


Other Vendors (info in SAS file)



Please enter your choice:

1.    Riverside

This option selects Riverside for the next screen.

2.    Chordant

This option selects Chordant for the next screen.

3.    Appalachian

This option selects Appalachian for the next screen.

4.    Other Vendors

This option prompts for the vendor number as set up in the Standard Automated Session (SAS) set up screen of Bookstore Manager Software’s Vendor Maintenance program (IVVM).

Options on Second Screen



Send Order and Get Acknowledgment


Get Previous Acknowledgment


Send Order, HangUp, Get Prev. Ack.


Send AT command string to modem



Please enter your choice:


1.    Send Order and Request Ack

This option sends the last order printed/prepared electronically for a vendor.  The vendor number, shipping instructions, purchase order number, and purchase order date will be displayed.  Check to make sure you are sending the correct order.  The program calls the vendor, sends the order, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.

2.    Get Previous Acknowledgment

This option requests an acknowledgment on the last order sent.  The program first asks which type of acknowledgment request to use.  A type "1" acknowledgment request is for Information Partner systems (Riverside and Chordant) and consists of 00 and 90 records.  A type "2" acknowledgment request (Appalachian) consists of 00, 10, 50, and 90 records.  The program then calls the vendor, sends the acknowledgment request, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.  Go to IVIC ("Electronic Invoices & Confirmation") to print.

3.    Send Order, HangUp, Get Prev. Ack.

This option is similar to #1, except it hangs up between the order and acknowledgment.  This option helped deal with acknowledgment problems with a specific vendor.  The issue has been dealt with, but the option remains in case it is needed again.  The program prompts for the type of previous acknowledgment request to use (see above).  The program then calls the vendor, sends the order, disconnects the modem, calls the vendor again, sends the acknowledgment request, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.  Go to IVIC ("Electronic Invoices & Confirmation") to print the confirmation.

4.   Send AT command string to modem

This option sends an AT command string to the modem.

5.    Quit

This option exits the program.



Use the Ingram program for electronic commerce with Ingram.  The program allows you to send your order and get an acknowledgment.  The communication specifics for Ingram are set up in the SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 7014, with the additional requirement of putting your password for Ingram electronic ordering in the Standard Automated Session (SAS) set up screen section of the Vendor Maintenance program (IVVM).

The program shows the currently prepared order.  Pressing <Enter> will send the order then retrieve the acknowledgment file.  Part of the acknowledgement file is a message from Ingram.  You have the option of printing this message to the Report printer or displaying it to the screen.

If the acknowledgment file is not available during the call, you will need to change the "Special" codes field on the order in IVO to indicate you want an acknowledgment file.  Then, re-prepare the electronic order and use the Ingram program again to send the acknowledgment request.

Example:     Ingram "Special" code YYC0R (0=Purchase Order).

To send a later acknowledgment request, change YYC5R. (5=Confirmation Only--for Specific PO#).

(See IVVM "Special Codes" "P.O.Type" in the Inventory section of this reference manual for details of Ingram’s specific placement information.)

New Day

Use the New Day program for electronic commerce with New Day.  The program allows you to send your order and get an acknowledgment, or request a previous acknowledgment.  The communication specifics for New Day are set up in the SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 7015.  The following screens are displayed:

Options on Second Screen



Send Order and Request Ack


Request Previous Acknowledgment


Send AT command string to modem



Please enter your choice:

1.    Send Order and Request Ack

This option sends the last order printed/prepared electronically for a vendor.  The vendor number, shipping instructions, purchase order number, and purchase order date will be displayed.  Check to make sure you are sending the correct order.  The program calls the vendor, sends the order, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.

2.    Request Previous Acknowledgment

This option requests an acknowledgment on the last order sent.  The program calls the vendor, sends the acknowledgment request, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.  Go to IVIC ("Electronic Invoices & Confirmation") to print.

3.    Send AT command string to modem

This option sends an AT command string to the modem.

4.    Quit

This option exits the program.

Spring Arbor

Use the Spring Arbor program to send an electronic order, send Sound Scan information, or request current invoice on file.  The following screen will be displayed:



  1 Send Order  
  2 Send Sound Scan Information  
  3 Request Previous Acknowledgment  
  4 Request Current Invoice on File  
  5 Send AT command string to modem  
  6 Quit  

Please enter your choice:

1.    Send Order and Request Ack

This option sends the last order printed/prepared electronically for a vendor.  The vendor number, shipping instructions, purchase order number, and purchase order date will be displayed.  Check to make sure you are sending the correct order.  The program calls the vendor, sends the order, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.

2.    Send Sound Scan Information

This option sends the Sound Scan or Vital Title Information to Spring Arbor.  Before you can send Sound Scan information to Spring Arbor, the information to be sent must be set up in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4018.

3.    Request Previous Acknowledgment

This option requests an acknowledgment on the last order sent.  The program calls the vendor, sends the acknowledgment request, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.  Go to IVIC ("Electronic Invoices & Confirmation") to print.

4.    Request Current Invoice on File

This option requests Spring Arbor to send you the last current invoice they have on file for your store.  You have to be set up with Spring Arbor for them to send you invoice information.  After requesting the invoice, go to IVIC and print the invoice.  If the invoice is for product sent by Spring Arbor to replenish stock for Vital Titles, you may merge the information using the IVPR "Receive from Elec. Invoice" option.

5.    Send AT command string to modem

This option sends an AT command string to the modem.

6.    Quit

This option exits the program.

Standard Automated Session (SAS)

Use the SAS program for electronic commerce with the vendors listed on the upper right side of the COMM screen.  The program allows you to send your order and get an acknowledgment, or request a previous acknowledgment.  The communication specifics for each vendor are set up in the vendor’s Standard Automated Session (SAS) setup screen access from IVVM.  The following screens are displayed:

First Screen

Please enter a 3-digit Vendor number:


Options on Second Screen


1 Send Order and Request Ack
2 Send Order Only
3 Request Previous Acknowledgment
4 Send AT command string to modem
5 Quit

Please enter your choice:

1.    Send Order and Request Ack

This option sends the last order printed/prepared electronically for a vendor.  The vendor number, shipping instructions, purchase order number, and purchase order date will be displayed.  Check to make sure you are sending the correct order.  The program calls the vendor, sends the order, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.

2.    Send Order Only

This option sends the last order printed/prepared electronically for a vendor.  The vendor number, shipping instructions, purchase order number, and purchase order date will be displayed.  Check to make sure you are sending the correct order.  The program calls the vendor, sends the order, and then disconnects.

3.    Request Previous Acknowledgment

This option requests an acknowledgment on the last order sent.  The program calls the vendor, sends the acknowledgment request, receives the acknowledgment, and then disconnects.  Go to IVIC ("Electronic Invoices & Confirmation") to print.

4.    Send AT command string to modem

This option sends an AT command string to the modem.

5.    Quit

This option exits the program.