POS - Point of Sale

POS Transactions Item Menu
Sub Total Screen Misc. Options

To open POS, press <Alt M> (“Menu”) and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <POS> in the “Enter Program Name” field and press <Enter>.


You may bypass the BSMGR Main Menu System and go directly to Point of Sale.  To do so, replace the word “MENU” on the BSMGR icon properties to “POS”.”

POS Limitations

A Point of Sale Transaction is limited to:

Opening Point of Sale

  1. Pass code and Employee Number
  1. Frequent Buyer Routine
You may set-up a routine to give discounts to frequent buyers or to locate a customer by a “Frequent Buyer Number” instead of phone number.
  1. Telephone - Mailing List
<F6> = Repeat
Duplicates the last customers information.  If a customer makes two purchases in a row, you may press <F6> to avoid having to ask for the phone number again for the second purchase.

Point of Sale Transactions

Transaction Entry Screen

  1. Customer

If point of sale knows which customer is making the purchase (view mail list), point of sale display's the customers name, telephone number, and RFM rating throughout the transaction.

  1. Qty

  1. Item #/Price/Disc. and Description

Note:   You may also, enter the price and press the “<PgUp> No Item #” command button for all “Department & Misc. Keys” to be displayed, then enter the number for the correct department.  (A shortcut to the department keys is to enter the price plus a slash [/] and the department key number.  For example, 500/23 means $5.00 on Department 23.  However, if your store has set up item numbers with slashes, you will need to get rid of the item number slashes or enter the following Environment setting to turn off the shortcut:   UNSTRING-AMOUNT  N)

Department & Miscellaneous

Repeat the entry process for all items sold.

Note:   Items sold by scanning with barcode reader or by entering the item number will be taken out of inventory.  Items sold by entering the price and pressing the department key will not be taken out of inventory.

  1. Price
  1. If the price is raised, item will be sold at the higher price and the price will be changed in inventory, or,
  2. If the price is lowered, item will be sold at the lower price, but the price will not be changed in inventory.
N Item will be rung up without price verification.
R The price may be changed up or down at this transaction, but the original price will not be changed in inventory.

At the "Price" field, press <Enter> to accept the price, or enter a new price and press <F5> to change the price.

  1. Item Menu

Adding the environment variable “ITEM-MENU-VISIBLE 1” causes the “Item Menu” button to appear on the POS screen.  Pressing it brings up the item menu itself.

The user can configure up to 63 menu items.  To configure the item menu, use the IVNM program and precede each menu item in IVNM with the prefix “Z-“.

  1. Sub-Total Routine

Press <F2> to sub-total the sale.  If you want to add more items before completing the sale, press <F2> to return to the transaction entry screen.

Sub-Total Screen

At the "Sub Total Screen," the totals, taxes, etc. will be filled in. The cursor will be at the "Payment Amount" field, reflecting the total amount due. (Note: If the customer is paying with an amount greater than the amount due, enter that amount in this field so that the "Change Due" will be displayed at the end of the transaction.)

Select one of the payment options as follows:

<F3> Cash <F4> Check <F5> House Charge
<F6> through <F12> Credit Card/Credit <F13> Gift Certificates <F14> Layaway
<F15> Sub Tl % Disc <F16> Sub Tl $ Disc <F17> Gift Card

Use to ring up a sale paid with cash. (Note: The payment option will default to "Cash," so if receiving payment in the exact amount, you may just press <Enter> twice for a cash sale.)

Use to ring up a sale paid with a check.  The "Pay By Check" window allows you to check for bad checks and to enter the customer’s check number and license number.  You can scroll the bad checks list or type in a letter to take you to the alphabetical range of the list.

Use to ring up a sale to "Accounts Receivable."

Note:    If the customer does not yet have an accounts receivable account, enter the dummy account #100001 in the “Account #” field and continue entering the other new account information.  This information will print on the sales receipt, in order to prepare bookkeeping for adding the new account.

Use to charge to a specific type of credit card.  There are six credit card options (set up in SYStem Maintenance, Cash Register Config) that can be used for commercial credit cards, such as Master Card and Visa, for Gift Cards, or for in-store credits such as non-cash refunds or giveaways.

Use to redeem a gift certificate.

  1. Enter the gift certificate control number, and the "Payment Amount" due on the current POS transaction will be applied to the gift certificate.  This will complete the sale if the gift certificate is for the same or for more than the amount due on the current transaction.  If there is a balance left on the gift certificate, it will be printed on the sales receipt.
  2. If the gift certificate is for less than the "Payment Amount" due on the current POS transaction, the remaining "Payment Amount" will be shown.  You may complete the sale by accepting cash, check, etc. for this remaining amount due.

Use to put items on layaway.  The "Set Up Layaway" window is displayed for entry of the customer’s telephone number, name, address, and description.  (If the sale is tied with an MLM customer, the customer’s address and phone information will be automatically entered.)  A layaway control number will be assigned automatically and will appear on the sales receipt.

Use to take a sub-total discount percentage.  At the "Payment Amount" field, enter the percentage discount and choose <F15>.  Choose one of the discount "Options" (shown below).

The "Payment Amount" field will now reflect the amount still owed. Finish the sale by accepting cash, check, etc.  The amount, identified as "Saved with Discounts and Coupons," will print on the sales receipt.

Use to take a sub-total dollar discount.  At the "Payment Amount" field, enter the dollar discount amount and choose <F16>.  Choose one of the discount "Options" (shown above).  The "Payment Amount" field will now reflect the amount still owed.  Finish the sale by accepting cash, check, etc.  The amount, identified as "Saved with Discounts and Coupons," will print on the sales receipt.

Use to redeem a gift card.  At the pop up window, enter or scan the gift card number to apply the gift card amount to the purchase.  Each purchase is subtracted from the balance of the gift card until the balance is exhausted.

  1. Options at Bottom of Point of Sale Screens

(I)   At the beginning of a sale, the following options appear on command buttons at the bottom of the transaction entry screen:

The special order "Options" are as follows:

  1. IVDI-Data Base Inquiry:  You may choose which data base and what type of search you wish to use.
  2. IVSI-Special Order Inquiry:  You may look up a special order by customer name, title, or item number, or list to the screen other listing choices for items that are not on order, not picked up, are back ordered, or are unavailable.
  3. IVI-Inventory Inquiry:  You may search by title, author, key word, item number, barcode number, category, and vendor #.
  4. IVSO-Special Order:  You may enter a special order for a customer.

Enter a price and press "<Page Up> No Item #."   The twenty-four cash register departments and six miscellaneous departments will be shown.  Enter the department number to denote where to ring up the sale and press <Enter>.

This option, which appears after the first transaction, allows you to reprint the previous transaction.

Note:    The reprint must be done before the next sale begins.

For tax exemption ("Tax Exempt") or changing the tax rate ("Tax Rate") before ringing up a single item.

This command displays a file that you set up under "SYS, Novelty Price List," to list prices of novelty, bulk, specialty items, etc.  You may edit the file to include items of your choice.

The amounts rung up in all twenty-four cash register departments for this sale are displayed.

Enter the "Promotional #" for this sale.  This will track the customers who have purchased items tied to this promotional number.

The following miscellaneous "Options" are available at the beginning of the sale:

Delete a Gift Certificate Delete a Layaway Cash a Check Paid Out
No Sale Quit Point of Sale Gift Card Balance <Esc> to Cancel

a.    Delete a Gift Certificate - Enter the control number for a gift certificate.  If the certificate displayed is the correct one, select OK.  "Total refund is XX.XX. Are you sure?" will be displayed.  Select Yes.  Refund this amount out of the cash in the register drawer.

b.   Delete a Layaway - Enter the control number for a layaway.  If the layaway displayed is the correct one, select OK.  "Total refund is XX.XX. Are you sure?" will be displayed.  Select Yes, and "Remember to refund the sale" will be displayed.  Select OK.  Refund this amount out of the cash in the register drawer.

Note:   (To just check on a gift certificate or layaway, simply select Cancel or press <Esc> to escape the "Delete a Gift Certificate/Layaway" screens.  Or, to avoid accidentally pressing OK and deleting a gift certificate or layaway at these screens, it might be better to view these through SLGL (the sales gift certificate/layaway program).  Press <Ctrl><Q> to pop up the "Enter Program Name" window.  Enter <SLGL>.  At the "Change/Delete Gift Certificate" option or the "Change Delete Layaway" option, you can enter the control number of the gift certificate or layaway, and view the gift certificate or layaway. Press <Esc> twice to return to POS.)

c.    Cash a Check - The "Cash a Check" window contains a bad checks list box for verifying that the customer has had no checks returned for insufficient funds.  (This Bad Checks list can be updated in System Maintenance.)  Enter the amount of the check, the check number, and the license number.  Then select OK.  In the event you need to correct an error, the cash amount field will allow a negative amount.

d.    Paid Out - Enter the amount to be paid out and select one of the paid-out "Options."

e.   No Sale - To open the cash drawer without a sales transaction.

f.    Quit Point of Sale - "Exit Point of Sale?" will be displayed.  Select Yes to exit.

g.    Gift Card Balance - This option is used to view gift card balances.

h..   <Esc> to Cancel - Select this to escape the "Options" and return to the transaction entry screen.

(II)     During a sale, the following options appear on command buttons at the bottom of the transaction entry screen:

This displays the "Sub Total Screen."

(Same as option at beginning of sale.)

After ringing up an individual item at the regular price, this command allows you to apply a discount/coupon to the item.  Enter a percent or dollar discount amount in the "Item #" field, select "<Tab> Discount," and choose a discount/coupon type from the displayed options.

Note: (1) If you enter an amount of 98 or less, that percentage of the price of the item will be taken off.
(2) If you enter an amount of 99, then 100 percent will be taken off the price of the item.
(3) If you enter an amount of 100 or more, then a dollar amount will be taken off the item price.
(4) If you enter a decimal amount .25 then 25 cents will be taken off the price of them.

(Same as option at beginning of sale.)

(Same as option at beginning of sale.)

(Same as option at beginning of sale.)

(Same as option at beginning of sale.)

(III)  The following Options appear on the command buttons at the bottom of the "Sub Total Screen":


To return to the transaction entry screen.  Returns to the "Item #" field so that you can enter other items.

This will save a transaction so you can check someone else out and then return for completion when ready.  At message window, "Save this Transaction?" select Yes.  At the beginning of further transactions  "There is an invoice on Hold. Do you wish to retrieve it?" will be displayed.  You may then retrieve or continue to hold by selecting Yes or No.  When retrieved, the items already rung up will be re-displayed and re-printed.  You may continue to add items, close out the transaction, or undo the sale.   You may have only one transaction on hold per Point of Sale.

Used to "Tax Exempt" or to change the "Tax Rate" of all items on a sales transaction.  The tax field will be changed and the payment amount will reflect the changed tax rate.  Complete the sale by accepting cash, check, etc.

  1. If the sale is "Tax Exempt," and if you have set SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4022 to "Y," a window will be displayed requesting the reason for the tax exemption  ("Exempt Organization," "For Resale," "Out of State," or "Exempt Items").
  2. If the transaction is charged to an Accounts Receivable account that has been set up to be tax exempt, the same window will be displayed.
  3. The sales receipt of a tax-exempt transaction will print extra lines to be filled in ("Name of Organization," "Address," "City," and "Name of Person Purchasing").

Will delete the entire sales transaction.  Inventory will remain correct.

Allows three lines for entering a special memo message for printing on the sales ticket. (Example: "This sale item is non-refundable.")

Miscellaneous options are:

  1. Set Promotions – Enter the “Promotional #” for this sale. This will track the customers who have purchased items tied to this promotional number.
  2. Print Gift ReceiptsUse this option to print a special receipt that includes information pertaining to the sale that can be used for future exchanges.  Gift receipts will print at the bottom of the customer receipt. (Once the daily closeout is completed, you may view a historical sales transaction to determine the value of the gift receipt using ‘SLTR’.)


Gift Receipt

Please keep this portion of receipt for gift exchanges

Gift #  01073012354 

  1. Video Rental, Return, and Void

a.    At the "Item #" field, scan the barcode label for the video, or enter <V>, space once, and enter the video number.  (You must enter all four digits of the video number.)

b.    Enter the "Membership #," or press <F3> for "Mail List" look-up, or <F4> for "A/R List" look-up.

c.    If the "Mail List" customer does not have a "V" in the "Customer Type" field, a warning message will be displayed.  (Example: "John Smith doesn’t have video privileges. Do you wish to override?") You may override and rent the video to the customer, but it is best to edit the customer’s MLM file by putting a "V" in the "Customer Type" field.

Note:    To bypass the warning, enter an "N" in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4042, "Video Membership required? Y/N."

The video title, rental amount and the due date will be filled in.  Use the "Tab" key or arrow keys to access fields for changing the rental amount and/or due date.

d.    When you enter a membership number that has unpaid late charges on file, the "Unpaid Late Charges" window will be displayed.  You may escape out of video rental without renting the video, accept the rental anyway by selecting OK, or Clear the overdue entries and collect the overdue charges.

e.    To collect the overdue charges, arrow up to the "Rental Price" field and add the late charges to the price of the current rental

f.    When you try to rent a video that has been reserved, a warning will be displayed that the video has been reserved.  It will show the date reserved and member number.  You have the option to "Cancel" the rental request, or "Override" the reservation and rent the video anyway.

a.    Press <V> <Enter> at the "Item #" field.  At the window, enter the "Video #" of the tape being returned, and select OK.

b.    If overdue, enter the overdue amount in the "Late Fees" field and select OK.  The overdue amount will ring up to be paid.

c.    If overdue charges are not collected at the time of return, you may choose to record the charges on the customer’s membership account, so that the next time he tries to rent you may collect the late charge.  With the amount defaulted at ".00" at the "Late Fees" field, select OK.   At the "Record Delinquent Video on Member’s File Record?" message window, select Yes

To void a video rental, press the "up arrow" to position the cursor in the "Qty" field, and enter a minus 1 (-1) in this field.  Then continue as if this were a regular video rental.  This will check the video back in and deduct the amount from the amount in the register.

Change the default due date on video rentals by pressing <V> <Enter> for "Video Returns" and selecting the Set Due Date command button. Enter the date and select OK

9. Transactions Saved

10. Void a Completed Sale Transaction

At the “Item #” field, enter <VOID> and press <Enter>. 

 ·        Manual Void

This will activate the void routine.  All items will automatically be entered with a minus quantity and price, and will be taken out of sales.

Note: This must be done as a separate transaction from any items to be purchased.  You cannot sell items on a VOID transaction.

·        Void by Transaction Number

If SYS Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4054 is set to “Y,” you can void typical sales by transaction number, with the following limitations:

(a)    Running the SLTP program purges up to the last five days of sales.  Therefore, to void by transaction number, the sale must have taken place within the past five days.

(b)   You cannot void certain transactions by transaction number:  

11. Delete an item from a Sale

To delete an item on a sales transaction, arrow down to locate the item you wish to delete and press <Enter>.  At the "Change or Delete an Item" window, select Delete.  Inventory will be corrected.

12. Layaway Sale / Layaway Payment / Layaway Void

Ring up the items to be put on layaway and subtotal the transaction. To put the complete transaction on layaway, select "<F14>Layaway."  A window will be displayed to set up the layaway name, address, description, and telephone number.  (If the sale is tied with a mailing list  customer, the customer’s address and phone information will be automatically entered.)  Any down payment should be handled as a "Layaway Payment." (See "Layaway Payment" below.)

At the "Item #" field, enter the amount being paid and press <Page Up> (or enter </> and press <Enter>) to display "Departments & Misc. Keys."  Choose number 71 "Pay on Lay."  Enter the layaway number or press <F3> to look up.  If this is the correct layaway to credit, select OK.  Subtotal and select the method of payment for the layaway.  Press <Enter>.  The payment will be applied to the layaway, and the balance will be printed on the sales receipt.

  1. Step 1 - VOID the sale (as explained in number 8 above), and at the "Sub-Total" screen, choose "<F14>Layaway."  A warning message will appear, "Make sure you refund the payments using Misc. Options, 'Delete a Layaway.' "
  2. Step 2 - Return to the item entry screen, select the Misc. Options command button, choose the "Delete a Layaway" option, and enter the control number of the layaway to be deleted.  Verify that this is the correct one and press OK.  "Total Refund is XX.XX. Are you sure?" will be displayed.  Press OK, and a final message will be displayed.  "Remember to refund the sale!"
  3. Step 3 - Have the customer sign on the lines printed on the voided layaway transaction receipt, and refund the amount indicated.  The amount refunded is to be taken from the cash register drawer.

Note:   Layaway items will be taken out of inventory totals at the time of the layaway sale.  If the layaway is later voided or deleted, the items will be returned to inventory.

13. Gift Certificate Sale/Redeem/Refund

At the "Item #" field, enter the amount of the gift certificate and press <Page Up> (or enter </> and press <) to display "Departments & Misc. Keys."   Choose number 42 "Gift Cert."  A window will be displayed for setting up the gift certificate.  Enter the name of the person to receive the gift certificate (last name first to make it easier to look up).  The name of the gift certificate recipient and the gift certificate number will be printed on the transaction sales receipt.

At sub-total, select "<F13>Gift Cert."  Enter the gift certificate number to display the gift certificate information.  The amount of the gift certificate will be deducted from the amount due.

  1. If the gift certificate is for the same as the amount due, this will complete the sale.
  2. If the gift certificate is for more than the amount due, this will complete the sale and the balance remaining on the gift certificate will print on the sales receipt.  However, if the balance remaining is below the amount set up in SYS, Config file, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4015, the refund amount will be indicated.
  3. If the gift certificate is for less than the amount due, the remaining amount due will be shown at the sub-total.  Complete the sale by accepting cash, check, etc. for the amount due.

To Refund a Gift Certificate, select the Misc. Options command button, and choose the "Delete a Gift Certificate" option.  Enter the control number of the gift certificate, and the gift certificate information will be displayed.  If this is the correct gift certificate, select OK and "Total Refund is XX.XX. Are you Sure?" will be displayed.  The refund amount is to be taken from the cash register drawer.

14. Item Discount

After ringing up an item at the regular price, enter a percent or dollar discount amount in the "Item #" field, select the <Tab> Discount command button, and choose a discount type from the options displayed.

Note:  (1) If you enter an amount of 98 or less, that percentage of the price of the item will be taken off.
(2) If you enter an amount of 99, then 100 percent will be taken off the price of the item.
(3) If you enter an amount of 100 or more, then a dollar amount will be taken off the item price.

15. Sub Total Discount

Enter the percentage amount or dollar amount of the discount at the Sub Total "Payment Amount" field.  Press <Enter>, choose "<F15>Sub Tl % Disc" for a percentage discount or "<F16>Sub Tl $ Disc" for a dollar amount discount, and then choose a discount type from the options displayed.  Complete the sale by accepting cash, check, etc. for the amount due.

16. Entire Cash Register Department on Sale

You may put an entire cash register department on sale by designating a discount percentage in SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config.  Enter the store’s number, and then choose the option that will locate the department (Depts 1-8, Depts 9-16 or Depts 17-24, Depts 25-32, Depts 33-40, Depts 41-48.  Tab over to the "Dis" column and enter the percentage amount you wish to discount.  At the Point of Sale, when an item in that department is sold, the sales slip will print the regular price along with the discounted amount shown as a "Promotion Discount."

17. Entire Category on Sale

You can put an entire category on sale by entering a discount percentage in SYS, Config File, Change 999 Categories.  Use the "arrow down" key to move to the "Discount %" column of the desired category and enter the discount amount.  At Point of Sale, when an item in that category is sold, the sales slip will show the item at the regular price, along with the discounted amount shown as a "Promotion Discount."

18. Items with Sale Price on Certain Dates

When entering items which have a sale price through certain dates, the price shown in the "Price" field will be the regular price with an asterisk to the left.  The item will be rung up showing the regular price, the discounted amount, and the extended price reflecting the discount deduction.  The sales receipt will show the regular price, along with the discounted amount shown as a "Sale Discount."

19. Discount Can Be Changed

After an item has been rung up with a discount amount, you can change the discount by pressing <Tab><Enter>.  At the “Change or Delete an Item” window, enter the discount amount per item in the “Discount Each” field or, if you want to calculate a percentage discount, enter the percentage discount per item (Ex: for 15% enter .15), then press <F6> to calculate the discount.

20. Payment of Returned Check

In the "Item #" field, enter the amount of the check and press <Page Up> (or enter </> and press <Enter>) to display "Departments & Misc. Keys."  Choose number 64 "Ret. Checks."  If you charge a fee for a returned check, enter the amount at the "Item #" field, press <Page Up> (or enter </> and press <Enter>), and choose number 69 "Misc Rev."  Sub total and complete the transaction by accepting cash, check, etc. for the amount due.

21. Customer Deposits

Special Orders

OE ("Order Entry") Orders

22. Charge / Credit / Payment to A/R Account

  1. At the "Sub Total Screen," select "<F5>House Charge."   Enter the customer’s account number or press <F3> to look it up.
  2. "A/R Information" will be displayed.  (Account name, address, total balance, current balance, date of last payment, credit limit, date account opened, and 30/60/90 day status.)  Verify that this is the correct account and that the account is in good standing.  Enter authorizing name or a P.O. number, if applicable, in the "Auth" field.  Choose OK and the charge will be completed.  (Whatever is entered in the "Auth" field will print on the statement.)
  3. You cannot charge to an account that has been designated "Written Off" or "Cash Only" in the "Statement Code" field in ARM.
  4. At the completion of the transaction, the customer should sign the charge receipt.
  1. A credit is entered (1) by the VOID routine for a completed sale, (2) by pressing the arrow up key and entering a minus amount in the "Qty" field before scanning/entering the item number, or (3) by entering a minus amount and pressing <Page Up> for the department key.
  2. At the "Sub Total Screen," choose "<F5>House Charge" and follow the same procedures as in charging an account.
  1. Enter the amount of the payment in the "Item #" field and press <Page Up> (or enter </> and press <Enter>) to display "Departments & Misc. Keys."  Choose number 70 "Pay on Acct."
  2. Enter the customer’s account number to display "A/R Information," and follow the same procedures as in charging an account.  If the payment is by check, enter the check number in the "Auth" field.  (Whatever is entered in the "Auth" field will appear on the customer’s statement.)

23. Tax Exempt/Change Tax Rate for Single Item, or for Total Sale

  1. To tax exempt an item at the Point of Sale before ringing up the item, select the Tax Shift command button and choose the "Tax Exempt" option.  Then ring up the item and it will not be taxed.
  2. At the end of the sale (if SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4022 is set to "Y"), a window will be displayed requesting the reason for the tax exemption. ("Exempt Organization," "For Resale," "Out of State," or "Exempt Items")
  3. If the sale is charged to an Accounts Receivable account that has been set up to be tax exempt, the item will not be taxed.
  1. To change the tax rate on an item before ringing it up, select the Tax Shift command button and choose the desired tax rate option (as set up in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, numbers 4047-4050).  Then ring up the sale.
  2. The tax charged will be at the new rate.
  1. To tax exempt the total sale, at the "Sub Total" screen, select the Global Tax Change command button and choose the "Tax Exempt" option.
  2. At the end of the sale (if SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4022 is set to "Y"), a window will be displayed requesting the reason for the tax exemption. ("Exempt Organization," "For Resale," "Out of State," or "Exempt Items")
  3. Extra lines will print on the transaction sales receipt to be filled in by the customer.   ("Name of organization," "Address," "City," and "Name of Person Purchasing")
  1. To change the tax rate of the total sale, at the "Sub Total" screen, select the Global Tax Change command button and select the desired tax rate option.
  2. The tax charged will be at the new rate.

24. Make a Special Order / Special Order Inquiry

  1. At the opening POS screen, select the Special Order command button and choose the "IVSO-Special Orders" option, which opens the special orders entry program.
  2. Or, at the POS item entry screen, select the <F2> Spl Order command button and choose the "IVSO-Special Orders" option, which also opens the special orders entry program.
  1. At the opening POS screen, select the Special Order command button and choose the "IVSI-Special Order Inquiry" option, which opens the special orders inquiry program.
  2. Or, at the POS item entry screen, select the <F2> Spl Order command button and choose the "IVSI-Special Order Inquiry" option, which also opens the special orders inquiry program.
  3. You can look up a special order by customer name, title, or item number, or list to the screen other listing choices for items that are not on order, not picked up, are back ordered, or are unavailable.

At the beginning of a sale, a reminder of special orders that have not been picked up can be displayed.  (This feature is set up in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4051.)  By obtaining a customer’s phone number either before or after a sales transaction, if he has a special order to be picked up, it will be identified and the message displayed.

To ring up a special order, enter <S> and space, followed by the special order number.  If there is a deposit on the special order, the deposit will automatically be deducted from the amount due.

Note:   If SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, numbers 4017 and 4051 have each been set to “B” for requesting customer’s phone number at the beginning of a transaction and for a reminder at the beginning of a transaction of special orders to be picked up, the special order reminder message will give an option to ring up the special order automatically without having to enter the special order number.

25. Undo Sale

At the "Sub-Total" screen, select the Undo Sale command button.  The entire sales transaction will be deleted and inventory will be adjusted.

26. Sales on Consignment/Standing Orders

27. In Store Coupon(s) Automatically Issued at POS

28. Dayspring and Lawson Falle Cards

  1. In SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4043 ("Use Dayspring/Falle file for Prices?"), enter "Y."
  2. In SYS, Config File, Change 999 Categories, set up a category for "Cards."
  3. Put an item on your inventory (IVM) for each price of cards that will be sold.

Example:    If a card retails for $1.75, put an item on inventory with the item number, "C175."  (1) Enter Dayspring as the "Vend 1,"  (2) enter the category number for "Cards" in the "Cat #1" field,  (3) you may leave the "Maximum," "Minimum" and "On Hand" at zero, and  (4) enter the price as $1.75.  On the second screen, (1) enter "N" in the "Analyze" field, so the item will not be analyzed/deleted with the history roll, and (2) set the "Grouping" field to "Multiple."  Do this procedure for each different price of cards from Dayspring and Lawson Falle.

Example:  "C175" - The card will be sold showing the C175 as the item number and the department you have tied to the category number for cards.  The selling price will be $1.75.

  1. If a scanned card does not have an item set up for the price of the card (for example, $2.99),  "The item C299 is not in your store’s inventory. Try again…" will be displayed.  In this case, you will need to add an item "C299" into your inventory in order for this item to scan properly.
  2. This procedure will keep the sales history for each price of Dayspring/Falle Cards.

29. Sales Receipts

30. Gift Cards

Gift Cards at POS:

 To sell a gift card:  At the “Item #/Price/Disc” field, enter the gift card number (Example:  R 101) or scan the gift card barcode.  Enter the amount to be applied to the card, and ring up in the manner the customer wishes to pay (i.e. cash).


 To redeem a gift card:  Enter the item to be purchased and select “Gift Card” as the pay type. 


At the pop up window, enter or scan the gift card number to apply the gift card amount to the purchase.  Each purchase is subtracted from the balance of the gift card until the balance is exhausted.

 Note:  Refunded item amounts cannot be added back to a gift card.

To Add Money to a Gift Card:

In POS, scan the existing gift card again and the following message will appear


Unredeemed Gift Card Report:

 In the SLGP (“Gift Certificate/Layaway Print”) program, choose the “Gift Cards” option to print the report to the screen or to the printer.  The report will show:

  1. Card Numbers
  2. Issue Dates
  3. Balance of Each Card

Delete a Gift Card:

In the SLGL (“Gift Certificate/Layaway”) program, choose the “Delete a Gift Card” option.  The gift card can be reused after it has been deleted.
Note: Barcode utility programs can be purchased to print barcode labels for older, non-barcoded cards.  BSMGR offers such a utility program (“GCLABEL”) for $75 through our Sales Department.


  1. You can “Refund” using a gift card.
  2. Gift card balances print on the receipt.
  3. POS validates that a particular gift card can only be sold or refunded one time on a transaction.
Note:  Barcode utility programs can be purchased to print barcode labels for older, non-barcoded cards.  BSMGR offers a utility program (“GCLABEL”) for $75 through our Sales Department.

31. Ring up Novelties

To ring up Novelties that are maintained in the IVNM (Novelty Maintenance) program, enter "N" at the item number field and press enter.  The Novelty Lookup screen will appear.  Simply arrow down to the product you are looking for and choose Select=F5. The item will transfer to POS.


Point of Sale Transactions (Alternate Screens/Touch Screen Environment)

POS Figure #1

POS Figure #1-A

POS Figure # 2

The alternate screens may be substituted for the traditional POS screens; however, the traditional screens are the default screens.  If the user wants to keep the traditional POS screens, NO action is necessary.

Should the user desire to use the alternate screens, a Windows desktop resolution of at least 1024 x 768 must be selected on the desktop.

To use one or more of the alternate POS screens, add the following line to the environment file:


The settings are as follows:

POS-SCREEN-TYPE  1     The user is using touch screen technology at POS.  POS Figure #1 will be the first screen and POS Figure #2 will be the sub-total screen.  In addition to these screens, POS Figure #1-A (10 Key Touch Pad) will be to the right on all screens. 

POS-SCREEN-TYPE  2     The user is not using touch screen technology at POS, but still wants the new screens.  POS Figure #1 will be the first screen and POS Figure #2 will be the sub-total screen. 

POS-SCREEN-TYPE  3     The user is not using touch screen technology at POS.  The user wants to keep the traditional screen but use the alternate sub-total screen.

Note:    If you desire to use the touch screen routine, you will need to put the program, "OSKEY32.EXE" located in the "ACU" directory, in your Windows startup folder.