To open IVSS, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <IVSS> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.

In IVM ("Inventory Maintenance"), enter the items for curriculum.  Use the current item number, title, etc; however, in the "Catalog #" field, enter a unique identification number that you assign.  It can be up to ten characters.


For a Scripture Press Beginner Pupil Book, you might enter:


This catalog number will remain the same for all quarters, but will allow you to change item numbers using this number.  Also, will allow you to ring up the items using the catalog number, if you enter a "C," then a space, before the catalog number at the Point of Sale.

Do not enter catalog numbers the same on any two items, as it will ring up the first one in the file.   Do not enter the catalog number the same as the item number.

You may enter a code number/letter in the "Status" field so you can limit reports to items on standing orders.  You may also put items for standing orders in the same category, so you may look up the items on inventory by category and they will all be listed together.  You may set the stocking level at zero if you have made the category to not be analyzed/deleted when IVHR ("Inventory History Roll") is run.  To do that, go to SYS, Config File, Change 999 Categories.  On the category for curriculum put an "X" in the "(X)empt" column.  You may also exempt the item from being analyzed/deleted by IVHR by putting "N" or "2" in the "IVDC/Turn" field for the item in IVM.

Note:   Standing orders may be rung up automatically at the Point of Sale by typing in AUTO in the "Item #" field, choosing "Standing Order" at the message window, and entering the "Standing Order #."  The items will be automatically rung up.  You may then add postage or other items.  Only Standing Orders with all items on inventory may be rung up.

Add/Change Standing Order

Note:   On Lookup, if item needs to be changed/deleted, highlight the item and check OK.   The item number will be transferred to previous screen to change/delete.  If the item is on standing order and not on inventory, it must be put on inventory before you can delete it from standing order.  After deleted from standing order, you may delete it from inventory if it is not needed.

Print Customer Standing Order

Delete Customer Standing Order

Display Standing Order #s

Print Consolidated Standing Order

Print Standing Order Distribution

Create IVWO from Standing Order

Assoc. Catalog # creating new item #

The ISBN numbers on curriculum usually change each quarter.  To change the ISBN numbers on curriculum items, use this option.  This works around the catalog number.

Note:    If the maximum/minimum is zero, you will still be able to create a work order in IVWO for the number of items that are on the standing orders and create a purchase order in IVO from the saved work order.

Example:    <C SPBEGPB> <Enter>.

Note:   It is very important that you add the new quarter’s items through this "Change Item/Barcode #s" option.  New items put directly on the computer through IVM will not be tied to the existing standing order.

Assoc. Catalog # using existing item #

If the ISBN numbers on curriculum did not change for the quarter, then you will need to use this option to associate the item to the current Catalog #.

Delete Obsolete Standing Orders

This option will look for any standing orders that are attached to an AR account that no longer exists, and if it finds any that are attached to an AR account that no longer exists then it will delete that standing order.


You may set the parameters of the printout by “Vendor,” “Customer #,” and “Catalog #.”  If you leave the “Print by Location” checkbox blank, the order will be printed by title.