To open IVWO, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <IVWO> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.


Note:   A work order is NOT a purchase order.  It allows you to quickly edit and change.  It MUST be saved to create a purchase order from the work order.

Report Type

Specific Vendor

Will bring up the items that need to be ordered for a specific vendor whose vendor number is in the IVM "Vend 1" field.

Multiple Vendors

Will bring up the items that need to be ordered for all vendors whose vendor numbers are in the IVM "Vend 1" field.

Note:    The "HOP=F8" option on the vendor list page of the "Multiple Vendors" allows you to jump to a specific field number (not to a vendor number).


Will bring up the items that need to be ordered for any item that has the distributor number in the IVM "Vend 1," "Vend 2," or "Vend 3" fields.

Note:    When the "Multiple Vendors" and "Distributor" report types are selected, the "Vendor 1 Spl Only" field in the "Parameters" section of the screen, changes/defaults to "Validate Distributor."  If this field is activated with a check mark, only items with the distributor # in "Vend 1", "Vend 2", or "Vend 3" will be pulled to the work order.  If this field is left blank, no attention will be paid to "Vend 1", "Vend 2", or "Vend 3".  If an item is needed, it will be put on the purchase order without regard to vendor.

Previously Saved Work Order

This option allows you to return to the latest saved work order that has not been turned into a purchase order.  Just choose this option and select OK.

Note:   There can be one saved work order per vendor at each workstation.

Create from 'Promo' file

This option prompts for a filename which must be in a particular format and is usually provided by either Munce Marketing Group or The Parable Group.  If you wish to create your own promo file, please see the IVPROMO file layout instructions here.

Create from 'Salesman' file

This option looks for a tab-delimited text file in the Book directory called "Salesman.txt" which includes up to a 17 character ISBN and up to a 5 character amount for the quantity.  The ISBN and the quantity must be separated by a tab.


Standard Report


Custom Report

Enter the report name you have created in the RPT (" Report Generator") program.

The work order will print in the format of this created report.

Multi-Store Report Options

Work orders can be formatted to include branches.

(See Multi-Store documentation for instructions.)


Below Minimum

Will look at the stocking level and the in-stock amount on all items and pull items to a work order that are below minimum for a vendor, all vendors, or distributor.

Note:    If you have selected special orders to be included, the special orders that have not been ordered will also be pulled to the report.

Sold This Week

Will only pull items that have sold this week.  This is not a below minimum report.  It is a stock replenishment report.

When this report is saved and a purchase order made, the purchase order will be for items that you have sold this week ("Week #1" on inventory maintenance [IVM] for the items).  If you have not run the weekly IVHR ("History Roll"), this could include sales for more than one week.  The rest of the program will be the same as in "Below Minimum," except the recommended amount to order will be the sold amount, unless limited by the min/max.

Note:   If you have selected special orders to be included, the special orders that have not been ordered will also be pulled to the report.

Sold in xx weeks

When this option is selected, the user will be prompted for how many weeks to include.  Valid numbers are 1-8 weeks.  This is not a below minimum report.  It is a stock replenishment report.

When this report is saved and purchase order made, the purchase order will be for items that you have sold in the selected number of  weeks ("Weekly History" on inventory maintenance [IVM] for the items).  If you have not run the weekly IVHR ("History Roll"), this could include sales for more than the weeks selected.  The rest of the program will be the same as in "Below Minimum," except the recommended amount to order will be the sold amount to order, unless limited by the minimum/maximum.

Note:   If you have selected special orders to be included, the special orders that have not been ordered will also be pulled to the report.

Sold in xx Days

When this option is selected, the user will be prompted for how many days to include.  This is not a below minimum report.  It is a stock replenishment report.

Sold in xx Months

You can generate a work order based upon the number of units sold in a given month less the quantity on hand.  (Ex:  BSMGR could give you a work order for Zondervan Bibles sold in the fourth quarter of  2005.)  See NOTE 2 under Use Min/Max for additional information.

Sold between xx and xx

You can generate a work order based upon the number of units sold in a given period.  (Ex:  06/01/05 and 06/30/05).


When this option is selected, all items for the chosen vendor/distributor with a TBO > 0 will be added to the work order with the suggested quantity equal to the TBO amount.


You may enter an individual vendor number, or press <Enter> for all vendors.

Vendor Suffix

Most stores never have more than one work order in process per vendor. An exception to this would be if two buyers share responsibility for one vendor. By  adding a suffix to the vendor work order (Ex A,B,C)  BSMGR can actually track multiple work orders for one vendor.

Sold Since

You can limit the work order report to items sold since a certain date.


Entering the inventory "Model" code (A,B,C or D) allows you to limit the work order report to items that make up a certain percentage of your inventory.


Enter the categories you wish to consider, or press <Enter> for all categories, and the field will default to 001-999.  You may enter specific categories separated by a comma, and/or a range of categories using a hyphen to denote a range of categories.      (Example: 005,026,089-092,104-117)


You may use this option to limit the work order by department (1-48).


You can limit the work order report to promoted items.  Enter the Promotion number.

Min On-Hand

You can limit the work order report to minimum on-hand.  Enter the desired Min On-Hand number.

Min Rank

This field allows you to use IVWO in conjunction with IVM “Rank.”

Use Min/Max

This field will default to a checked box, which means the minimum/maximum amount to keep in-stock will be used in computing the recommended quantity to place on the work order. If you do not wish to use the min/max, take out the check mark.

Note:    Occasionally (such as prior to Christmas), you might wish the work order report to calculate the below minimum items, as well as at least one of each other item of a vendor, allowing you to choose to order items in addition to those that are below minimum.  Choose a vendor, select “Below Minimum,” and uncheck this “Use Min/Max” box.  The additional items will appear with a quantity of 99999 in the “Order” column.  All 99999 items that you do not wish to order may be deleted from the work order by using the “Delete Qtys of 99999” under the “Misc.=F7” option.

Note:    If the "Sold in XX months" parameter is selected and the "Use Min/Max" box is checked, this will create an "on the fly" min/max based on what is checked.  This will add up the total sales for the months selected and compare it to the on hand amount in IVM.  Any items that have on hand less than the total number of sales for the time period selected will pull to the work order.  It will take the total sold minus the IVM on hand and order that amount.  Example #1: If Oct., Nov., and Dec. are selected for XX months and the total sales for those three moths are 18, but there are only 14 on hand, the work order will pull 4 items up on the work orders so that you reach the amount you sold in Oct., Nov., and Dec.  Example #2:  You have 4 on hand.  You sold 10 total between Nov & Dec from last year.  It will show up on the report and recommend that you order 6 (because it’s a -6).  Example #3:  You have 5 on hand.  You sold 3 total between Nov & Dec from last year.  It will NOT show this item on the IVWO report (because it a +2)

Vendor 1 Spl Only

Check if you want to limit the special orders added to vendor #1 only.

Include Spl Orders

Uncheck if you do not want special orders on the work order..

All Branch Spls

These fields will default to checked boxes.

·      When all boxes are checked, “Ven 1” special order items will be included on the work order, including “Vend 1” special order items for all branches if multi-store is activated.

·        If you wish to include "Ven 1," "Ven 2," and "Ven 3" special order items, remove the check mark in the Vendor 1 Spl Only field.

·        Remove the check mark in the All Branch Spls field if you do not wish to include special order items for branch stores.

·        If you do not wish to include any special order items on the work order, remove all check marks.

Buyer Code

Multiple Vendors reports can be limited by the “Buyer Code” option.  The buyer code is assigned in IVVM.  If a user assigns all the “Music Vendors” in IVVM to a buyer code of “M,” and then runs a Multiple Vendor work order choosing a buyer code of “M,” only vendors who have been assigned a buyer code of “M” or are left blank in IVVM will be displayed.


You can limit the work order report by the Status codes you have given to items in IVM.  Enter the Status code.  You can enter a "N" for items not yet rated.

JIT Code

You can limit the work order report by JIT (just in time) Codes.  Enter the JIT Code.

Date First Received

You can limit the work order items that have been recently received.