SYS Config Lines

1000 1001        
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029-2036
2037-2040 2041 2042 2043-2044 2045 2046
2050 2051 2063 2064 2065 2066
2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2076
2077 2082 2083 2085 2086 2087
2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093
2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099
4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005
4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011
4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017
4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023
4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029
4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035
4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041
4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047
4048-4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055
4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061
4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067
4068 4069        
5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005
7000 7001 7002 7007 7008 7009
7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015
7016 7017 7018 7019 7029 7030
7031 7032 7033 7034 7046  

1000    Save all invoices for EOM reprints? Y/N

"Y" A/R monthly invoices may be reprinted for ALL accounts, using the ARIP "Print Monthly Invoices" option.
"N" Only accounts with "Invoices Needed" selected in the "Statement Code" field in ARM will be printed.

1001    ARS use "(F)inance" or "(S)ervice" Charge?

"F" Changes wording on statements to show as "Finance Charge"
"S" Changes wording on statements to show as "Service Charge" (defaults to this setting if left blank)

2000    Hot list parameters

Items that meet the setup parameters will be listed on the IVHT ("Hot Selling New Items") report.

(See IVHT in the Inventory section of this manual for explanation of the parameters.)

2001     IVHR to use 3mos instead of 6mos history?  Y/N

Allows IVHR to use the last 3 months of sales history and multiplies it by 2 (doubles the last 3 months sales) instead of the last 6 months history to min/max calculations.

2002    Print Inter-store transfers? Y/N

This configuration is for Multi-Stores.

"Y" Will print the transfers.
"N" Will not print the transfers.

2003    (L)ifo (F)ifo (A)vg (E)st (W)eight

Used with the IVT ("Inventory Totals") program and the IVP ("Inventory Masterfile Print") program.  (E)stimate runs fastest.  Only use the others when necessary.   For Example:   End of year figures.

(L)ifo Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM; Last In, First Out.
(F)ifo Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM; First In, First Out.
(A)verage Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM, averaging the invoices.
(E)stimated Figures cost of inventory off of your discount and your retail, as listed in the IVM. (does not figure in any invoice history)
(W)eight Averages the cost of goods on all invoices received through IVPR ("Receive/Cancel Orders") since the item was put on inventory.

2004   Turn off adjustment log prompt in IVM? Y/N

This option allows you to keep the adjustment log detail:

2005    Keep Extended Item Daily Sales History? Y/N/R/B

This option allows you to keep the following extended history detail:

This data is displayed in IVM and used by the reports SLBY and IVDR.  Settings of “B” and “R” are used by multi-stores.  These settings tell BSMGR to write the extended data at end of the day routine in the SLIV program instead of at the time of the sale.  An “R” is used when you want BSMGR to write the data not only at the remote store with “SLIV”, but also at the host store.  See the environment settings “SCHEDULE-CLEANUP” and  “CLEANUP-ADDRESS”.

2006    IVM to look in archives before adding? Y/N

When this configuration is set to “Y,” the system will look in the archives before adding a record to IVM.  If the record is located, the history can be brought back to IVM.

2007    Spl Qty default print outs IVO 0-9

When purchase orders are printed, the entry field for copies of special orders can be pre-set do a default of 0-9.

2008    Print Spl Report default in IVO Y/N

When purchase orders are printed, the entry field “Print SPL report 8/12 by 11 can be defaulted to “Y” with this setting.  Otherwise, each special order will print on its own.

2009    Use (S)PCN or (U)PC on Music/Gifts.

"S" The SPCN number will be used as the main item number when adding new gift and music items to inventory from the CB&M database.
"U" The UPC number will be used as the main item number.

2010    Print (U)PC or (C)atalog on POs (in addition to the BSMGR Item number)

"U" Will print the UPC barcode on purchase orders.
"C" Will print the catalog number on purchase orders.

2011    Use SPCN # from BSMDATA? Y/N

This line is used for inputting product from the disk Parable supplies to stores that are Parable stores.  If new items have to be entered on inventory, this determines how you want non-ISBN items to be entered.  You can choose either SPCN or UPC format.

"Y" Means you want to use SPCN numbers.
"N" Means you want to use UPC numbers.

2012    Vendor 1,2,3 defaults for IVM

Enter the Vendor 1,2,3 defaults that are used for IVM and IVSO (special orders).  These defaults can be overridden on a Vendor by Vendor basis using "PUBS" program.

2013    Use International Titles instead of English Titles Y/N

                    A setting of "Y" causes International Titles to be transferred into IVM using the native language instead of English.

2014    Params for adding all Spl Orders

When a customer makes a special order, if the item is not in the inventory file, the system will add the item to the inventory file, set grouping to special order, and set the default category and the default vendor to whatever is set up here.

2015    Exchange Rate Setup

If you want items entered on masterfile to reflect a selling price ("Our Price #1") more/less than the U.S. retail price ("Sugg. Price"), enter a percentage amount in the "Exchange Rate for Selling Price" field.  This is used for foreign countries.

  • To reflect a 10% lower price than U.S. retail, enter 0900 (90% of Sugg. Retail).
  • To reflect a 10% higher price than U.S. retail, enter 1100 (110% of Sugg. Retail).

Turn this feature off for figuring cost in IVM, IVDC and IVO, by entering "N" in the "Use for figuring Cost?" field.

Important:  You MUST run IVUL # 6 in order to apply what you set for Sys config line # 2015

2016    IVR/TRAN to pull > of last 3 invoice costs?  Y/N

"Y"   Yes
"N"   Use last invoice cost

2017    IVM to blank wholesale and discount labels? Y/N

"Y" Blanks out the labels of "Wholesale" and "Discount" on IVM screen.  The discount percent and the wholesale dollar amount may still be shown.
"N" Does not blank out the labels of "Wholesale" and "Discount."

2018    Use Fast ALTIVI (Multi-store)?  Y/N

"Y"  Uses the service of "BSMINET" in the host store to read the IVM files.  Usually faster
"N"  Read all files one by one across the Internet

2019    Multi-store compare parameters

Allows multi-stores to determine which fields in IVM should be identical across all stores in the chain.  Used by IVM and IVUL #12.
"Y"  Limit to checked fields.
"N"  Do all fields.  Same as "Y" with all boxes checked.

2020    Multi-store Tran to log title changes?  Y/N

"Y"  Keep a log of title changes
"N"  Don't keep a log of title changes

Logs changes made to IVM via IVUL #12 or the "TRAN" program.  The logs are kept by day for one week.  The files are ASCII files and are located in the book directory by the names TRANMON.TXT, TRANTUE.TXT, TRANWED.TXT etc.

2021    Keep a log of invoice changes made in IVM?  Y/N

"Y"  Keep a log.  The log can be viewed using IVIA.
"N"  Don't keep log.

2022    Multi-store use (Q)trs or (M)onths for IVWO

“Q”      If column breakouts are to be in 4 Qtrs.  Otherwise, they will be in months.

2023    Deduct defective merch from Inv on returns? Y/N

"Y" If quantity is to be deducted from the "On Hand" field when a  Return is merged.
"N" If defective merchandise was not merged into inventory or has already been taken off.

2024    Gift Database import parameters

For BSMGR users who have a Quest system or purchase the extended CB&M database, there are choices that can be made to determine how CB&M’s gift database sets up titles within the BSMGR user’s inventory title base file.  Note the following screen:

These options give the BSMGR user flexibility in determining what portion of the gift database will be transferred into the users inventory file on initial title setup (IVM), database comparisons (IVDC) or price changes (IVDC).

Additional information can now also be added to the “Misc.” field in IVM.

For some items in the gift database, the manufacturers don’t have established retail prices.  CB&M is only provided wholesale information.  By default, BSMGR will display these products to IVDI at a 2.0 markup.  You can override that setting with the “Markup” field shown in #2024.

Listed below are the CB&M gift categories:

 Super Categories





Book & Bible Accessory


Church Supplies






Home Décor




Kitchen & Dining


Misc. Gift




Paper Product




Wall Décor


 Sub Categories

Action Figure




Activity Game


Address Book






Annointing Oil






Automotive Décor












Baptismal Supplies




Bath & Body






Bible Case & Cover


Bible Games
















Boxed Stationary/Cards




Building & Lighthouse




Bumper Sticker, Auto Emblem










Candle & Accessories








CD/DVD Holder


















Communion Supplies




Computer Paper


Cookie Jar




Counter Card




Cup & Saucer


Desk Accessories






Doll & Accessories






Easelback Photo Frame


Education/Classroom Supplies


Enclosure Card






Finance Supplies


Fine Art


Fine China


Floral Arrangement






Framed Art




Gift & Award


Gift Bag/Box


Gift Set


Gift Wrap                                                      


Glasses/Glasses Holder




Greeting Card


Guest Book


Hair Accessory








Index Card








Jewelry/Trinket Box




Key Chain






Lapel Pin










Mens Fashion


Ministry/Membership Supplies




Misc. Drink Mixes


Money Clip




Music Box


Music Supplies


Name Tag


Name Tags




Napkin Holder/Ring






Note Card/Cube/Pad


Offering Envelopes/Plates








Outreach/Visitor Supplies


Oven Mitt






Pet Products


Photo Albums


Photo Card








Place Card








Plate, Bowl, Cup






Pocket Coins/Crosses/Cards


Pocket Mirrors


Post Card






Prayer/Promise Box










Reading Accessories


Recipe Box/Book


Recipe Card










Rubber Stamp/Pad




Salt & Pepper Shakers






Scripture Keeper


Scripture/Pew Cards






Serving Tray








Special Occasion


Spoon Rest


Stained Glass




Sugar & Creamer








Table Cloths/Linens






Tea Set




Textile Hanging




Tissue Paper






Toys & Trinkets


Usher/Deacon Supplies
















Wedding Album & Accessories




Writing Paper


2025    Allow Price changes in IVPR/IVIC? Y/N

           Enter a "Y" if you want to allow price changes from within IVPR (recieving) or IVIC (PO acknowledgement processing) to your inventory master file (IVM).

2026    Years to keep IVML & IVM Daily History? 0-9 (Blank = Forever)

2027    Use weekly table for all new titles Y/N.

Enter a “Y” if you want IVHR to act as if all new items use the weekly turnover settings.  New items are considered products in inventory less than 180 days unless config 2001 is set to a “Y” in which 90 days is used.

2028    8 Weeks Sales Pct.

Enter the percentage you wish to multiply 8 weeks of sales by to determine Min/Max.

2029    Min/Max Parameters #1.

2030    Min/Max Parameters #2.

2031    Min/Max Parameters #3.

2032    Min/Max Parameters #4.

2033    Min/Max Parameters #5.

2034    Min/Max Parameters #6.

2035    Min/Max Parameters #7.

2036    Min/Max Parameters #8.

2029 thru 2036 are used when the IVHR ("History Roll") "Monthly with Min/Max Changes" option is run.  You may tie different sales departments to different "Turn Numbers" in the "Turn" field on the cash register setup.

A window comes up for each "Turn Number," as follows:

Enter the least amount that you should have sold for the last six months to stock the amount entered on the Maximum.  Enter the minimum amount to have on hand before the item is pulled to a below minimum report to be ordered and bring the amount on hand to the maximum amount to keep in stock.

  • You would need to sell 1 or 2 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 1 in stock.  (This would be a 2, 3, or 4 times turn per year.)    
  • You would need to sell 3 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 2 in stock.  (This would be a 6 times turn per year.)
  • You would need to sell 4, 5, or 6 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 3 in stock. (This would be a 8, 10, or 12 times turn per year.)
  • You would need to sell 16 or 17 or 18 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 7 in stock.  (The items would not be pulled to an order until you have less than 4 on hand.  This would be 32, 34, or 36 times turn per year.)

After you have been on BSMGR for six months, you may run an IVHR "Monthly with Stock Changes," which will check the sales against the parameters here.  If the sales were less, the maximum amount to stock would be lowered.  If no sales are made for the number of quarters set in configuration number 2042, the maximum amount to stock could be taken to zero.  Then, if number 2041 has been set to "Y," the items would be deleted from your inventory.

2037    Open to buy Jan-Mar

2038    Open to Buy Apr-Jun

2039    Open to buy Jul-Sep

2040    Open to buy Oct-Dec

2037 thru 2040 - The Open to buy levels may be set up for different quarters of the year.

Enter the wholesale dollar amounts that you want to budget for each Point of Sale department for the quarter chosen.

To decide on the budget amount for each department, obtain a copy of the G/L Income Statement OR run the SLT program.  (Enter zeros for the month, enter the year you want to total, and enter 365 for the number of days.)

You can see from these reports the retail dollar amount sold in each department for the year.  Decide if your projected sales for the next year will be more or less.  Then take your projected sales by department and multiply by the cost of goods percent paid (discount received subtracted from 100%) to find the wholesale dollar amount. This should equal the wholesale dollar amount to budget for the department

You may use the arrow up and arrow down keys to go to a certain line to enter or change information

2041    IVHR delete discontinued out of stock items? Y/N

When the IVHR "Monthly with Min/Max Changes" option is run, the discontinued and out of stock items will be deleted if a "Y" is entered. They will not be deleted if "N" is entered.

Note:     Multi-Stores should enter an “M” in this field if deletion of discontinued and out of stock items is desired.

2042    Num sales qtrs before 0 min/max to 1-9.

Choose either 1-9 quarters of “no sales” before the IVHR with stock changes lowers the min/max amount to stock to zero.

2043    Model A Inventory Parameters.

2044    Model B inventory parameters.

Enter the percentage makeup of your inventory, in sales dollars, to be "A" items and the percentage to be "B" items, these being your primary selling stock items, as opposed to "C" items (the remainder of sold items) and "D" items (unsold items).


Inventory Sold






10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%  




2045    Num sales qtrs before discontinuing 1-9.

Choose either 1-9 quarters of “no sales” before the IVHR with stock changes the grouping to discontinued.

2046    IVHR Bring back 0 Min/Max items ordered in last 90 days Y/N.

By default, any when the monthly history roll is run, items that have 0 min/max settings (but not discontinued or special order only) and have been ordered in the last 90 days are set to a min/max of 1/1.  An “N” in #2046 prevents this behavior.

2050    IVDC to change prices in masterfile? Y/N

"Y" Prices will be changed in Masterfile when IVDC ("Database Compare") is run.
"N" Prices will NOT be changed in Masterfile when IVDC is run.

2051   Use Our Price #1 on IVT, IVWO, IVO, IVR? Y/N

"Y" The selling price ("Our Price #1") will be used on these four reports instead of the retail price ("Sugg. Retail").  This is useful to foreign users who have set configuration 2015 to reflect the exchange rate in the "Our Price #1" field.
"N" The "Sugg. Retail" will be used on these four reports.

2063    Print price on labels? Y/N

"Y" Will print the price on labels.

2064    Print barcodes on labels for special orders? Y/N

"Y" Will print labels for items that have been special ordered.

2065    Mix tickets & barcodes? Y/N

"Y" Allows price tickets, as well as barcode labels, to be printed

2066    Add’l Cat/Alt/Sale/Misc/Inv/2Pric/Loc/Bpric

A field of your choice may be included on barcode/price labels:

"C" Will print catalog number.
"A" Will print alternate category.
"S" Will print sale price, if on sale ("Sale $XX.XX.")
"M" Will print miscellaneous field.
"I" Will print invoice number.
"2" Will print the "Sugg. Retail" price and also the "Our Price #1." ("Reg: XX.XX." and "Ours: XX.XX.")
"L" Will print the information in the location field.
"B" Will print "Sugg. Retail" price plus "Our Price #2."

2067    Dedicated Bar code Printer? (Y)(N)(2)(3)(4)

"Y" Blazer
"N" No dedicated bar code printer.
"2" Blaster
"3" Eltron
"4" Zebra

2068    Print labels for non-inventory items? Y/N

"Y" Will allow you to print labels for items on a purchase order that you do not carry in your inventory.

2069    Num barcode strikes 1 or 2 (Dot Matrix.)

To make the barcode print darker, enter a 2.

2070    Barcode Program

Dot matrix, Blaster and Blazer printers:   Enter IVBC in this field.

Laser Printers:  Enter BCODE32.EXE

2071    IVL always use (C)urrent or (L)ast received date when printing labels

Choose either C or L

2076    Keep IVO records after merging? Y/N

"Y" Items on a purchase order will still be on the order after merging.  Items that have been merged will be identified with a "Y."  Items in which the quantity ordered has only partially been received and merged will be identified with "P."
"N" Items will be deleted from a purchase order after they are merged and the program exited.  Labels for a P.O. in which items have been deleted after merging cannot be printed.

2077    Add consignment items for ordering purposes? Y/N

If one item is in stock and one is on consignment, for ordering purposes, do you wish computer to assume two are in stock?

"Y" Will assume two are in stock, in the example above.
"N" Will assume one is in stock, in the example above.

2082    IVPR to warn of missing IVM titles?  Y/N

When this configuration is set to “Y,” you will be prompted, when receiving, to add items that are not already in your inventory.

2083    Add special orders to in-stock? Y/N/W

"N" Will NOT add special order amounts to the "On-Hand" field of inventory items when the order is merged.
"Y" Will add all special orders into on-hand amounts of inventory items, UNLESS the special order is PAID.  For this to be effective, special orders must be made through the IVSO program and must be included on a purchase order automatically or added to a purchase order by selecting Spl Orders=F8 to add special orders.
"W" NON-PAID special order quantities are added into the "Will Call" field instead of the "In Stock" field of inventory items when a special order is received.

2085    Mark unavail spl order ‘C’ or ‘U’

Special orders that are unavailable from the vendor/distributor because of being out-of-print or not carried any more by the vendor/distributor:

"C" "Canceled" will be put in the "Status Code" field of the special order, and it can be pulled to order again from another vendor/distributor.
"U" A "Unavailable" will be put in the "Status Code" field of the special order, and it will NOT be pulled to order from another vendor/distributor.

2086    Multi-store breakout for ‘IVO’ & ‘IVPR’? Y/N

"Y" Will ask for breakout of items purchased to the different stores on IVO ("Make Purchase Orders") and IVPR ("Receive/Cancel Orders").
"N" Will not ask for breakout of items purchased to the different stores on IVO and IVPR

2087    Print IVPR Report? Y/N/B

"Y" Will print to file or printer.
"N" Will not print.  More than one station can merge at the same time, without changing file names or printer.
"B" Will breakout cost by department.  (Ex:  After receiving, the printout could show BOOKS 600.00  BIBLES 300.00  MUSIC 200.00)  This is useful for stores that like to keep track, by department, of dollar amounts represented in received product.

2088    Save confirmations? Y/N

IVIC ("Electronic Invoices and Confirmation") provides the ability to save the confirmation file after receiving confirmation of an electronic order.

"Y" Will save the confirmation file.

2089   Print Name/Address lines on Refunds in POS? Y/N

"Y" Yes
"N" No

2090   Different Bill To/Ship To in IVO? Y/N

"N" The shipping address on purchase orders defaults to the same as the billing address as set up in the Company Header. (ARHD).
"Y" You may enter a different shipping address that will default on purchase orders.

2091    Use On-(H)and or (V)endor 1 on Labels

"H" Will print “On-Hand” quantity on IVL price labels.
"V" Will print “Vendor 1” on IVL price labels.

2092   Display ‘IVHR’ Warning Message?


Turns off the messages that pop up when running the IVHR (“History Roll”) program.  Use this when “Scheduler” is used to automatically run the history roll weekly or monthly.


The messages will remain active.

2093   Use AC-, V-, B-Tran Prefix in IVM?  A/V/B/Y/N

You have the option of modifying the changes produced by IVDC (“Database Compare”) and new titles through IVM (“Inventory Maintenance”), if your store uses special prefixed titles to denote different types of accompaniment tapes, videos and Bibles. 

"A" Accompaniment Tapes
"V" Videos
"B" Bibles
"Y" All
"N" No modification


2094   IVM to Update Consolidated Database?  Y/N

Enter “Y” to cause items that are added in IVM to be added to the Consolidated database as well.

2095   Don't Make IVDC Price Increases for Less Than:

Allows you to prevent items with small price increases from changing when IVDC is run.  (Ex:  If set to .05 and the price only goes up 4 cents, it will not be automatically changed.)

2096    Print Selling Price on P.O.? Y/N

"Y" Selling Price will print in the office use ("Off Use") column of the purchase order.
"N" Selling Price will not print.
"P" Print the lowest promotion price.

2097    Deduct Spl Orders From IVHR Mnth Calculation?   Y/N

"Y" Special order sales will be deducted from the last six months sales before the IVHR program resets the Min/Max fields of IVM.
"N" This feature will be turned off.

2098   Display Multi Store On Order in IVM  Y/N

For Multi-Stores that have Real Time connection between stores, this is used to indicate whether any items are on order at another location. 

"Y" Will display this information to the left of the On Order field in IVM.
"N" Will turn off this feature.

Example:    If store #1 has 2 copies of Item #1234567890 on order, and the breakout is one for Store #1 and one for Store #2, viewing Item #1234567890 will show a "1" to the left of On Order in Store #2.


2099    Print  IVHR Reports?  Y/N

"Y" The two IVHR reports will print out.
"N" Will suppress these reports.


3000    Num months to keep paid A/P invoices on file? 1-60

When the program APVE ("Delete old Invoices") is run, it will keep the paid invoices/credit memos on computer for the number of months entered here.  You can view them using the API ("Accounts Payable Inquiry") program

4000    Calculate CGS in SLP? Y/N

"Y" Will calculate the Cost of Goods in the SLP ("Sales Journal") program.
"N" Will not calculate the Cost of Goods in the SLP program.

4001    Display A/R Credit Info in POS?

"Y" A/R credit information will be displayed on the screen during a Point of Sale transaction.
"N" A/R credit information will not be displayed.

4002    POS to check for overdue library items?

"Y" When the customer is chosen in POS, BSMGR will display any overdue library products.
"N" POS will not check for overdue items.

4003    Save all PO'S. Transactions? 


Transactions will be saved for viewing through the SLTR (“Sales Transactions”) program.


Transactions will not be saved for viewing.

4004    Tab to Area Code at PO'S.?


The cursor will stop at the “Area Code” field, where you may change the default area code.


Allows you to skip past the “Area Code” field.  This is handy when the default area code applies to the majority of your customers.

4005    Non-Inventory Database Params

Used to set up parameters for using the database to ring up non-inventory items.

Enter “Y” at the “Read Database for Non-Inventory Items?” field.  Then enter the appropriate department numbers in the other fields.

At POS, a non-inventory item found in the database will ring up with an asterisk (*) preceding the item description and the sale will go to the appropriate department as set up here.

4006    Sltape export file name.

4007    Ithaca POSjet Receipt Printer?  Y/N

This configuration must be set to “Y” in order to use the Ithaca POSjet, which is a two-color inkjet receipt printer capable of printing graphics on the receipt.

4008    Multi Store WAN Settings:

This  feature allows Multi-Store users to turn off certain features in the event of connection loss between stores. 

4009    Use Ithaca POSjet Graphics?  Y/N

Allows users of the Ithaca POSjet printer to choose to print or not to print a graphic logo on the receipt.  Not printing the logo would conserve ink, paper and time.

4010    Use Manuf. Coupon File? Y/N

Allows access to the UCC coupon file, which contains known, valid UCC coupons in our industry.  This is the way BSMGR determines that a coupon is valid.

4011    Message 1 on receipt printer.

Enter whatever you wish to print at the end of the sales receipt on any one or all three lines.

*If you would like to add more information than what the 3 lines allow for you can type in FILE on line #1 and press enter.  This will bring up a blank template for you to fill in.  Remember that you can use either the standard lines OR the FILE option.  If you use the FILE option then be sure to blank out "Line 2:" & "Line 3" (leaving only FILE on "Line 1:"

4012    Allow SPL prices to override Inv.?

If this feature is turned on, and an item is in the IVM file with a different price or on the special order with a zero price, POS will warn the user.

Note:    This means that you must pay careful attention to the retail price on the IVSO screen.

4013    POS to Warn of Related Products  Y/N

If this feature is turned on, and an item has related products (such as Bible Study books that might have a leader’s guide), after scanning the product at POS, the following message will appear.  This can be used for Add On sales.

4014    Address on receipt printer.

Enter the address and telephone number of your bookstore.  You may also wish to include something like your Web Site address.

4015    Refund Gift Cert Balances under________.

When the balance of a redeemed gift certificate is below the amount you have entered here, it will be refunded automatically at the time the gift certificate is redeemed.

4016    Log Mail List Skips at POS

"Y" Allows you to log the identification of employees who skip the mail list phone information request.  This information will print out on the grand total Z-tape.
"N" The information will not be logged.

4017    Ask telephone # (B)efore or (A)fter sale at POS.

"B" Will ask for telephone number before the sale.
"A" Will ask for telephone number after the sale.
Leave Blank No telephone number prompt.

4018    Use separate employee tills at POS Y/N

                    You must set this to a "Y" in order to enable the SLTL options "Total 1 Employee" and "Sub Tl 1 Employee" (otherwise these buttons will be greyed out).

4019    Company number in sales journal.

This number is used in SLE ("Sales Journal Entry"), SLP ("Sales Journal Print"), SLT ("Total Sales Journal"), etc.  It must be the same number as the general ledger "Store Number" in SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config.

4020    Use dedicated charge printer at POS.

"Y" Will send A/R charges to a dedicated charge printer.  Printer will need to be set up in the Environment or at the workstation.
"N" Will not send charges to a dedicated printer.  Will print on the receipt printer.

Note:   This line MUST be set to "Y" or "N."  Cannot leave blank.

4021    Print salesperson totals on Z-Tape? Y/N

Prints the total sales for the day for each salesperson on the Z-Tape if a "Y" is put here and a "Y" is also put on line #4027, "Prompt for Employee #?"

Must use a two-digit number at the end of employee name, up to #99.

4022    Ask for add’l sales tax exempt info at POS? Y/N

Put a "Y" if you have to indicate to the state why each sale was tax exempt. (i.e. Colorado)

4023    Gift certificate routine? Y/N

"Y" Will bring up the routine to set up a gift certificate.  A number will be assigned to the gift certificate to be used when gift certificate is redeemed.
"N" Will not assign the gift certificate a number to be used when gift certificate is redeemed.

4024    Tax Manufacturer’s Coupons? Y/N/A

"Y" Will tax manufacturer’s coupons.
"N" Will not tax manufacturer’s coupons.
"A" Will tax all coupons and all discounts.

4025    Ask for check number? Y/N

"Y" Prompts for check number and prints check number on sales receipt, when transaction is paid by check.
"N" Will NOT prompt for check number.

4026    Ask emp only once? Y/N

When a POS terminal is used exclusively by one employee, the "Passcode" and "Employee #" fields will be skipped after the first sale until POS is exited, if this configuration is set to "Y."

4027    Prompt for employee #? Y/N/P

"Y" Prompts for employee number when starting a sales transaction at POS.  Will default to last number entered.
"N" Will NOT prompt for employee number.
"P" Prompts for employee pass code.  You set up the pass codes by entering <EMP> at "Enter Program Name," enter your system password, and then select the "Add/Change/Delete" option.

4028    Number of Z-Tapes (1-9).

4029    Print library terms? Y/N

4030    Print layaway terms? Y/N

4031    Use price verification screen? Y/N/R

"Y" Allows you to verify price and change up or down.  If you change the price up, it will change the price in the inventory; if you change the price down, it will not change the price in the inventory.  If item is on sale, it will have an asterisk by the price.
"N" Will not verify price.
"R" Allows you to verify price and change prices up or down, but will RETAIN the original price on inventory.

4032    Use real time processing? Y/N/R

"Y" Takes items out of inventory as they are sold.  All inventory items sold will be printed on the SLIV ("Post Sales from POS") report with an "R" for real time beside them.

Note:    If using Spring Arbor’s Vital Title Program, you must set to "Y."

"N" Items will NOT be taken out of inventory until the SLIV program is run.  All inventory items sold will be printed on the SLIV report.
"R" Takes items out of inventory as they are sold.  Only items sold with zero in the on-hand field will be printed on SLIV.

4033    Code for IVMAST input-output? Y/N

Always enter "Y," unless otherwise instructed.

4034    Pau(s)e Z-tape printing?

"S" Will pause the information being sent to the printer buffer. Will get a message, "Printer buffer is full.  Wait until printer stops, then press any key to continue."
"N" Will not pause printing.

4035   Cash drawer type? 1/2/3/4

Set according to the receipt printer used:

1 Star Printers
2 Ithica Printers
3 & 4 Epson TM Series Printers

4036    Use form feed on receipt printer? Y/N

Will form-feed for printer with perforated paper.  Use "Y" if your receipt printer is using 8 1/2 X 11 in. paper

4037    Print receipt (B)efore or (A)fter subtotal.

"B" Will print the sale transaction as it is rung up.
"A" Will print the sale transaction after the transaction is completed.

Either way, items will not be taken out of inventory until after sale is completed.

4038    Print Check/Charge/CrCard detail on Z-Tape. Y/N

"Y" Will print check numbers and amounts, A/R invoice numbers and amounts, and credit card numbers and amounts on Z-tape.

4039    (F)req buyer / (D)isc rtn. F/D/1/2/3/4

An entry of “1” or “2” corresponds with [D] and an entry of “3” or “4” corresponds with [F].

"F" Will call up the Frequent Buyer routine before a sale at the POS.  Will also allow you to take a discount on an item and choose the type of discount given.
"D" Will allow discounts to be given and choice of  type of discount given, but will discontinue the Frequent Buyer routine
"1" Performs like “D” except will ask for a coupon number at POS when you choose the 7th discount type as set up in Cash Register Config – Coupons & Discounts.  Customer may use one time.
"2" Same as "1", but allows customer to use multiple times.
"3" Performs like “F” except for the 7th discount type.
"4" Same as "3", but allows customer to use multiple times.

4040    In-store coupon parameters.

Above Example:
  • The first "Y" means, "yes, give coupon." Anything other than "Y" would not issue a coupon.
  • The next "Y" means, "allow multiple value coupons up to face value."
  • 500 means give coupons in increments of $5.00.
  • 10 means must purchase $10.00 to use coupon.
  • 100 means must purchase $100.00 to issue coupon.
  • No required number of visits for coupon.
  • You may limit one mailing list customer code not to receive coupons. Enter the customer code you do not want to receive coupons. In the example above, customers with the code of "C" would not receive a coupon.
  • Coupon Message: (You may enter a message telling when the coupon will be accepted, or any other message.)
  • "Y" will show a window at POS when customer has earned a coupon. "N" window will not be shown.
  • “Y” will display a window at the close of a sale that says, “Customer has xx dollars toward their next coupon.
  • The customer receives credit of one and a half times the purchase for the day.  Multiplier can be used for special sale days.
  •  “Y” logs the coupon to the customer’s mailing list record instead of printing the coupon.  POS will remind the sales clerk of the coupon on file during the customer’s next visit. (Note #1:  To use the logging feature, the phone number or frequent buyer number must be obtained before the sale begins). (Note #2: When redeeming coupons all coupons on file will be redeemed).
  • “Y” limits in-store coupons to customer’s with a frequent buyer card.
If you allow multiple coupons: In the above example, as the customer purchases over $200.00, the coupon would be for $10.00 toward the next purchase of $25.00 dollars or more.

If "2" was in this field, two coupons for $5.00 each would be printed.

A “C” in this field will set the amount toward the next In Store Coupon to zero, regardless of how much money the customer has spent.

If you do not allow multiple coupons: Only one coupon for $5.00 toward the next purchase of $25.00 or more would be printed.

4041    Print CGS on SLTL? C/N/B.

"C" Will print the cost of goods sold and the gross profit on the Z-tape.
"N" Will print the line item discounts and the net amount of sales on the Z-tape.
"B" Will print the line item discounts, the net amount of sales, the cost of goods, and the gross profit.
"Blank" Will not print any of the above.

4042    Video membership required? Y/N

"Y" Means you will use a video membership number to rent videos.  (Video membership numbers will be assigned automatically from the mailing list ID number and the A/R account number.)  The mailing list name MUST have a "V" in the "Customer Type" field.
"N" Means you will use a video membership number to rent videos, but the mailing list name does NOT need to have a "V" in the "Customer Type" field.

4043    Use Dayspring/Falle file for prices? Y/N/S/U/X

Entering a “Y” here will allow you to scan the Dayspring and Lawson Falle cards and keep up with sales for different priced cards.  An “S” will cause BSMGR to differentiate between Dayspring and Lawson Falle Cards (See number 28 under “Point of Sale Transactions” in the Sales (POS) section of this manual.) A “U” causes BSMGR to use the “IVUPC” program.  A “X” causes BSMGR to skip the Daypring/Lawson Falle routine but still do the “IVUPC” routine.

4044    Use tax table to figure sales tax? Y/N

"Y" Will use the Tax Table to figure sales tax on sales up to 99 cents.  Tax Rate Table is set up when the tax rate is entered on lines 4047, 4048, 4049 and 4050.
"N" Will not use the Tax Table to figure sales tax on sales up to 99 cents.   Will use a flat tax rate.

4045    Alternate tax rate (Zero Filled).

If you are using the Alternate Tax Rate, enter the rate here.  If you want to use the Sales Tax Table, set line 4046 to "Y" and the Sales Tax Table will be displayed in order for you may set up the tax up to 99 cents.  If you do not use the Sales Tax Table, a flat rate will be used.  The alternate tax rate is used for foreign countries.

4046    Use alternate tax rate? Y/N

"Y" Will bring up the Sales Tax Table in line 4045.
"N" Will not bring up the Sales Tax Table in line 4045.  If you do not use the Sales Tax Table, a flat rate will be used.  The alternate tax rate is used for foreign countries.

4047    Tax rate #1 (Ex. 07250 - 7.25%).

Enter the tax rate for your store, without decimals, and press <Enter>.  If you have set line 4044 to "Y," a Sales Tax Table will be displayed, where you may enter the tax you should charge on sales, up to 99 cents.  If you are not using the Sales Tax Table, a flat rate will be used.


Enter  your state’s tax table, up to 99 cents.  After that, the flat tax rate is used.  Place 99 in fields that you are not using.

4048    Tax Rate #2 (Ex. 0725 = 7.25%)

4049    Tax Rate #3 (Ex. 0725 = 7.25%)

4050    Tax Rate #4 (Ex. 0725 = 7.25%)

4048 thru 4050 are used only if you have more than one tax rate.  Enter same as Tax Rate #1.

4051    POS to check for special orders? Y/N/B

"Y" During sales transactions, by obtaining the customer’s phone number either before or after the sale (configuration 4017), if he has a special order to be picked up, it will be identified and a message displayed on the POS screen at the end of the transaction.
"B" If the phone number is set up to be obtained at the beginning of the sale and this configuration is set to "B," a special order to be picked up will be identified and a message displayed on the POS screen at the beginning of the transaction.
"N" This feature will not be active.

4052    Display hot checks? Y/N/H

"Y" Prompts for check number and displays list of hot checks of customers who have bad checks on file (entered on SYS, Bad Checks).  Must have line 4025 set to "Y."
"N" Will not display list of hot checks on file and will not ask for check number.
"H" Will prompt for check number and license number when a customer pays with a check.  The system will check the license numbers that are on file and, if number is found, will bring up a window telling you that this customer has bad checks on file.

4053    Use MLM special pricing? Y/N

"Y" Special pricing in mailing list maintenance is active when the MLM “Special Pricing” field is set as follows:

·        B = Customer always charged “Our Price #2” as set in IVM.

·        C = Customer always charged “Our Price #3” as set in IVM.·        D = Customer always charged at wholesale cost.Blank or anything else is assumed to be the normal selling price, “Sugg. Retail.”
"N" This feature will not be active.
"A" If the customer does not have Special Pricing set up in MLM, the system defaults to “B” pricing.  (B = Customer always charged “Our Price #2 as set in IVM.)
"X" Special pricing in mailing list maintenance is active when the MLM “Special Pricing” field is set as follows:

·        1 = Customer always charged Special Pricing # 1 in IVM.

·        2 = Customer always charged Special Pricing # 2 in IVM.

·        3 = Customer always charged Special Pricing # 3 in IVM.

·        4 = Customer always charged Special Pricing # 4 in IVM.

·        D = Customer always charged at “cost” from IVM.Blank or anything else is assumed to be the normal selling price, “Sugg. Retail.”

4054    Keep a POS Void Log?  Y/N

"Y" Allows you to void typical sales by transaction number, with the following limitations:

(a)    Running the SLTP program purges up to the last five days of sales.  Therefore, to void by transaction number, the sale must have taken place within the past five days.

(b)  You cannot void certain transactions by transaction number:

  • Video Rentals
  • Gift Certificate Purchases
  • Layaway Payments
  • Payments on Account
  • Customer Deposits
"N" Sales cannot be voided by transaction number.


4055   Light Pole Message

You may enter a short message that will appear on your light pole.

4056    Dept. for Postage & Handling on Spl Orders

Enter the department number to be used for postage and handling.

4057    Mail List Privacy Policy

You may enter a privacy policy that will print out  the first time someone is added to the mailing list (MLM) at Point of Sale.

4058    POS & SLGP to auto delete used Gift Certs? Y/N

"Y" This is the default and will automatically delete used gift certificates.
"N" Enter an “N” in this field if you wish to keep gift certificates on file.

4059    POS Auto Discount Assignments

Allows you to automatically set BSMGR discount types.  The descriptions 1-7 come from the cash register setup. 

Example: Assume that an item is on sale during the month of December for $2.00 off.  As you are aware, BSMGR supports up to seven different discount types (i.e. Employee Discount, etc.)  Since the sale price is set up in IVM, on the screen below, you would associate the discount in IVM with one of the seven discount types in your POS.


4060    POS to enable territories? Y/N

Allows POS to prompt for a territory before each sale.  The cash register total program SLTL will total the territories when it prints.


4061    Suppress cash drawer open setup

Use to prevent BSMGR from opening the cash drawer on various type transactions.

4062    Gift Receipt Memo

Enter any memo you want to appear on all gift receipts.

4063    POS to always ask to print gift receipt?  Y/N

If set to a "Y", at the end of each POS transaction it will give a pop up asking if you want to print a gift receipt.

4064    Delete "SLTR" detail after 2 years?  Y/N

“Y” If the BSMGR “SCHEDULE” is set to automatically run, on the 1st of every month the “SCHEDULE” program will run “SLTD” and delete/purge any SLTR detail older than 2 years.
“N” The “SCHEDULE” program will not auto-purge.

4065    Days for SLIV to keep sales in arrears  0-10 days

By design, BSMGR inventory on-hand counts do not go into arrears.  When a sale is made at point of sale that would normally cause the on-hand to go into arrears, BSMGR “remembers” that sale and continues to check to see if the on-hand count is above zero when the SLIV report is run.  This has two benefits:
1.      For items that were mis-counted, the on-hands self correct at zero.

2.      For items that were “sold” before receiving had a chance to properly receive them into BSMGR, the SLIV arrears will catch it.  Note: BSMGR would normally recommend a 1-3 entry here.

4066    Limit arrears to items on order?  Y/N

“Y” Only items that are currently on-order receive the behavior described in #4065.  All other items just stay at zero.

“N” All items sold in an arrears condition receive the behavior described in #4065.Note: BSMGR would normally recommend a “Y” entry here.

4067    Disable certain POS options

Enter a ‘D’ in any of the entry fields to disable the button from displaying in POS and the payment option from being accepted.

4068    ISMOD Department

Enter the department 1-48 that units sold through the Quest/ISMOD burning process are added to.

4069    POS to do 'SYMTIO' routines? Y/N

          Set to a "Y" if you're using SYMTIO cards.  See the SYMTIO setup document for additional setup details.

5000    Default code on mailing list.

Allows a default code (Example: "I" for individual) on mailing list names if a comma is entered when you add a name to the list.  When you add a name without a comma, it assumes it is a church and defaults to a "C" in the code space.  When you add a name and use a comma, it will default to the code entered here.  You can override this default when name is entered on the mailing list.  We recommend you use some code here.

5001    Default area code on mailing list.

Enter the telephone area code for your area.  This can be overridden.

5002    Default valid years for Frequent buyer cards

Enter the number of years that you want your frequent buyer cards to last

5003    Delayed batch mode for TRXIX00 posting? Y/N/B

Multi-stores you are using BSMGR’s “Central” setup will find that a setting of “Y” will improve performance in stores that do not have the server.  Otherwise, all other users should be set to an “N” or blank unless BSMGR informs otherwise.  For Multi-stores, you can use a setting of “B” to batch the totals and at the end of the day instead of posting live.  It will post the sales to the Host store during the closeout procedures.

5004    Skip non-stocked items on new product e-mails?  Y/N

“Y” If using BSMGR’s optional e-mail package, BSMGR will only notify customers of new products in the CB&M database that are currently in the stores IVM title base.

“N” If using BSMGR’s optional e-mail package, BSMGR will notify customers of all new products in the CB&M database regardless of it they are currently in the stores IVM title base.

5005    MLRFM to look at 1,2,3,4 or 5 years of sales (Default is 1)

This setting determines how many  years of sales history MLFRM  needs to to take into account.

5006    Mail Code Definitions

                    Set your mailing list customer codes here.  This is just for reference.  What you enter in here is what will show up if you press the ? on the "Cust. Type" field in MLM.


7000    Your store’s SAN number.

Enter the Standard Address Number for YOUR store.  If you are a member of CBA, you can find your number in the CBA member directory.  If not, call Bowker (908-665-6770) to find out your SAN number.

7001    Verbose mode for testing E.O. 0=off 1=on.

Normally turned off.  "1" will turn on the verbose mode, so testing can be done for electronic ordering.

7002    Symtio Password

                    Password assigned by Zondervan/Symtio for selling electronic downloads at the your store

7007    Your modem’s communications port.

Enter the port number where your modem is connected.

7008    Your modem’s baud rate.

Valid rates include: 1200, 2400, 9600, 1440 (=14,400), 1920 (= 19,200), 3840 (=38400), 5760 (=57,600).

7009    Modem initialization type.

Enter the letter that corresponds to the type of modem you are using:

A=Factory Default; B= Factory Default 0; C= Factory Default 1; D= Factory Default 2; E= Factory Default 3; F=\BKHIST\MDMSTRNG; G=Aspen/tor Quest; H=Best Data; I=Boca; J=GVC Corporation; K=Hayes Optima or Practical Peripherals; L=Intel; M=Multi-Tech MultiModem; N=US Robotics Sportster; O= US Robotics Sportster Si; U=\BKHIST\; Z=Standard Modem Reset (ATZ).

If you do not have one of the modems listed above, you will need to use the manual that came with your modem.

7010    BSMGR’s BBS information.

Call BSMGR to obtain your login string and password.  Enter here to call BSMGR’s bulletin board.

7011    Electronic credit card information.

Enter the information asked for in these fields, usually as above.  Call BSMGR for more information if necessary.

7012    VitalPS Electronic Credit Card Setup


The information for this configuration should be obtained from your credit card provider.

7013    X-Net information.

Contact ECPA’s VAN provider for the information to fill in the different fields.  (See X•net section of this reference manual for more information)

7014    E-mail Information

Note:    BSMGR’s E-mail is an optional feature and is only available for Windows users at this time.  Call the BSMGR sales department if you are interested in purchasing this feature.

7015    Display “Are You Sure?” on Deletes? Y/N

This is a warning feature that allows you a chance to change your mind about deleting.  If you prefer not to receive this message, you can turn off the feature by entering “N” in this configuration field.

7016    Parable Group’s BBS information.

Call Parable to obtain the information requested and enter here.

Note:    The “Send Mail Changes Y/N” field is a Multi-Store Lease Line variable.  If a user is sending mail list adds and changes to Parable and the mailing list is kept at Store #1, Store #2 has no mail list to send.  Therefore, they can turn the feature off by entering “N” in this field.

7017    Chart Setup

This allows you to customize your CHART program.

1.    Default – Choose the chart you wish to be the default chart as you open the Chart program.

2.    Sort Sales By – You may set the chart information to appear in order by sales or in order by department.

7018    Choose Toolbar Programs

You can now have up to 3 BSMGR programs pre-loaded using the toolbar.  For example, the “1” on the toolbar could be associated with “IVM”, the “2” with “IVO” and the “3” with “IVPR”.  To configure the 1,2,3 on the tool bar, refer to System Configuration # 7018.

7019    Pay Period Begins on 1= Mon, 2=Tues, 7=Sunday

                    If your store uses BSMGR's time clock feature, enter the day that your payroll begins on.

7029    Axiohm Color POS Configuration

This configuration supports printed images on Axiohm receipt printer tapes.

When images are loaded into the printer, each is assigned a number in the printer memory.  Valid numbers are 1-4 and are used to identify the position you wish the image printed on the tape.  In the example above, image # 1 will print at the top of the tape (Header), image #2 will print at the bottom (Footer), and image #3 will print as the Water Mark.  The “Edge Index” option, which represents printing an image on the side margins of the tape, is not supported at this time.

7030    Printer emulation for ‘LO’ E/I/O/F/H/W.

"LO" is the printer for reports.

E =   Epson Compatible
I  =   IBM Compatible
O =   Okidata Model 182
F =   Fujitsu
H =   HP/HP Compatible Laser
W =   Windows Spooler

7031    Always reset printer? Y/N

Enter "Y" to start the next report on a new page.

7032    Font type? H/U

Normally set to "U."

Set to "H" only if using an Okidata dot matrix printer.

7033    Double high print (IVO)? D=Yes

"D" Will print item numbers in double high print on purchase orders (IVO), so they will fax more legibly.

7034    Printer emulation for FORMS? E/I/O/F/H/W.

"FORMS" is the printer for A/P checks, A/R statements, delinquent letters, and labels (price/barcode labels and mailing labels).

E =   Epson Compatible
I =   IBM Compatible
O =   Okidata Model 182
F =   Fujitsu
H =   HP/HP compatible Laser
W =   Windows Spooler

7046    Configure BSMGR graphics.

Set up sales and expense groups to label the information on Bookstore Manager GRAPHICS (GRAPH), which is an optional program.