Miscellaneous Configurations Numbers 1000-2044


1000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005
2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2017 2023 2028 2029-2036
2037-2040 2041 2042 2043-2044


1000    Save all invoices for EOM reprints? Y/N

"Y" A/R monthly invoices may be reprinted for ALL accounts, using the ARIP "Print Monthly Invoices" option.
"N" Only accounts with "Invoices Needed" selected in the "Statement Code" field in ARM will be printed.

2000    Hot list parameters (Ex. 01,10,15,20,25)

Items that meet the setup parameters will be listed on the IVHT ("Hot Selling New Items") report. (See IVHT in the Inventory section of this manual for explanation of the parameters.)

2001     IVHR to use 3mos instead of 6mos history?  Y/N

Allows IVHR to use the last 3 months of sales history times two instead of the last 6 months history to min/max calculations.

2002    Print Inter-store transfers? Y/N

This configuration is for Multi-Stores.

"Y" Will print the transfers.
"N" Will not print the transfers.

2003    (L)ifo (F)ifo (A)vg (C)omp (E)st (W)eight

Used with the IVT ("Inventory Totals") program and the IVP ("Inventory Masterfile Print") program.  (E)stimate runs fastest.  Only use the others when necessary.   For Example:   End of year figures.

(L)ifo Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM; Last In, First Out.
(F)ifo Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM; First In, First Out.
(A)verage Figures cost of inventory from the invoice history in IVM, averaging the invoices.
(C)omplete Figures the cost of inventory three ways (Lifo, Fifo, and Average) on IVT report.  (Gives Average on IVP.)
(E)stimated Figures cost of inventory off of your discount and your retail, as listed in the IVM.
(W)eight Averages the cost of goods on all invoices received through IVPR ("Receive/Cancel Orders") since the item was put on inventory.

2005    Keep Extended Item Daily Sales History? Y/N

This option allows you to keep the following extended history detail:

POS refers to File EXT00 for this information, which will use roughly 5-10 mgs of memory per year, and is accessed through the XPRT program.

2006    IVM to look in archives before adding? Y/N

When this configuration is set to “Y,” the system will look in the archives before adding a record to IVM.  If the record is located, the history can be brought back to IVM.

2009    Use (S)PCN or (U)PC on Music/Gifts.

"S" The SPCN number will be used as the main item number when adding new gift and music items to inventory from the CB&M database.
"U" The UPC number will be used as the main item number.

2010    Print (U)PC or (C)atalog on POs (in addition to the BSMGR Item number)

"U" Will print the UPC barcode on purchase orders.
"C" Will print the catalog number on purchase orders.

2011    Use SPCN # from BSMDATA? Y/N

This line is used for inputting product from the disk Parable supplies to stores that are Parable stores.  If new items have to be entered on inventory, this determines how you want non-ISBN items to be entered.  You can choose either SPCN or UPC format.

"Y" Means you want to use SPCN numbers.
"N" Means you want to use UPC numbers.

2012    Vendor 2 default for IVM

Enter the Vendor/Distributor default number for Vendor 2 field when new items are put on inventory or taken as special orders.

2013    Vendor 3 default for IVM

Enter the Vendor/Distributor default number for Vendor 3 field when new items are put on inventory or taken as special orders.

2014    Params for for adding all Spl Orders

When a customer makes a special order, if the item is not in the inventory file, the system will add the item to the inventory file, set grouping to special order, and set the default category and the default vendor to whatever is set up here.


2015    Exchange Rate Setup

If you want items entered on masterfile to reflect a selling price ("Our Price #1") more/less than the U.S. retail price ("Sugg. Price"), enter a percentage amount in the "Exchange Rate for Selling Price" field.  This is used for foreign countries.

  • To reflect a 10% lower price than U.S. retail, enter 0900 (90% of Sugg. Retail).
  • To reflect a 10% higher price than U.S. retail, enter 1100 (110% of Sugg. Retail).

Turn this feature off for figuring cost in IVM, IVDC and IVO, by entering "N" in the "Use for figuring Cost?" field.

2017    IVM to blank wholesale and discount labels? Y/N

"Y" Blanks out the labels of "Wholesale" and "Discount" on IVM screen.  The discount percent and the wholesale dollar amount may still be shown.
"N" Does not blank out the labels of "Wholesale" and "Discount."

2023    Deduct defective merch from Inv on returns? Y/N

"Y" If quantity is to be deducted from the "On Hand" field when a  Return is merged.
"N" If defective merchandise was not merged into inventory or has already been taken off.

2028    8 Weeks Sales Pct.

Enter the percentage you wish to multiply 8 weeks of sales by to determine Min/Max.

2029    Min/Max Parameters #1.

2030    Min/Max Parameters #2.

2031    Min/Max Parameters #3.

2032    Min/Max Parameters #4.

2033    Min/Max Parameters #5.

2034    Min/Max Parameters #6.

2035    Min/Max Parameters #7.

2036    Min/Max Parameters #8.

2029 thru 2036 are used when the IVHR ("History Roll") "Monthly with Min/Max Changes" option is run.  You may tie different sales departments to different "Turn Numbers" in the "Turn" field on the cash register setup.

A window comes up for each "Turn Number," as follows:

Enter the least amount that you should have sold for the last six months to stock the amount entered on the Maximum.  Enter the minimum amount to have on hand before the item is pulled to a below minimum report to be ordered and bring the amount on hand to the maximum amount to keep in stock.

  • You would need to sell 1 or 2 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 1 in stock.  (This would be a 2, 3, or 4 times turn per year.)    
  • You would need to sell 3 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 2 in stock.  (This would be a 6 times turn per year.)
  • You would need to sell 4, 5, or 6 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 3 in stock. (This would be a 8, 10, or 12 times turn per year.)
  • You would need to sell 16 or 17 or 18 in the last six months to keep a maximum amount of 7 in stock.  (The items would not be pulled to an order until you have less than 4 on hand.  This would be 32, 34, or 36 times turn per year.)

After you have been on BSMGR for six months, you may run an IVHR "Monthly with Stock Changes," which will check the sales against the parameters here.  If the sales were less, the maximum amount to stock would be lowered.  If no sales are made for the number of quarters set in configuration number 2042, the maximum amount to stock could be taken to zero.  Then, if number 2041 has been set to "Y," the items would be deleted from your inventory.

2037    Open to buy Jan-Mar

2038    Open to Buy Apr-Jun

2039    Open to buy Jul-Sep

2040    Open to buy Oct-Dec

2037 thru 2040 - The Open to buy levels may be set up for different quarters of the year.

Enter the wholesale dollar amounts that you want to budget for each Point of Sale department for the quarter chosen.

To decide on the budget amount for each department, obtain a copy of the G/L Income Statement OR run the SLT program.  (Enter zeros for the month, enter the year you want to total, and enter 365 for the number of days.)

You can see from these reports the retail dollar amount sold in each department for the year.  Decide if your projected sales for the next year will be more or less.  Then take your projected sales by department and multiply by the cost of goods percent paid (discount received subtracted from 100%) to find the wholesale dollar amount. This should equal the wholesale dollar amount to budget for the department

You may use the arrow up and arrow down keys to go to a certain line to enter or change information

2041    IVHR delete discontinued out of stock items? Y/N

When the IVHR "Monthly with Min/Max Changes" option is run, the discontinued and out of stock items will be deleted if a "Y" is entered. They will not be deleted if "N" is entered.

Note:     Multi-Stores should enter an “M” in this field if deletion of discontinued and out of stock items is desired.

2042    Num sales qtrs before discontinuing 2/3/4.

Choose either 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 quarters of "no sales" before the IVHR  "Monthly with Stock Changes" lowers the maximum amount to stock to zero when the on-hand is zero.

2043    Model A Inventory Parameters.

2044    Model B inventory parameters.

Enter the percentage makeup of your inventory, in sales dollars, to be "A" items and the percentage to be "B" items, these being your primary selling stock items, as opposed to "C" items (the remainder of sold items) and "D" items (unsold items).


Inventory Sold






10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%  


