Miscellaneous Configuration Numbers 3000-4029


3000 4000 4006 4011 4014 4015 4017 4018 4019 4020
4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029  



3000    Num months to keep paid A/P invoices on file? 1-60

When the program APVE ("Delete old Invoices") is run, it will keep the paid invoices/credit memos on computer for the number of months entered here.  You can view them using the API ("Accounts Payable Inquiry") program

4000    Calculate CGS in SLP? Y/N

"Y" Will calculate the Cost of Goods in the SLP ("Sales Journal") program.
"N" Will not calculate the Cost of Goods in the SLP program.

4006    Sltape export file name.

4011    Message 1 on receipt printer.

Enter whatever you wish to print at the end of the sales receipt on any or all three lines.

4014    Address 1 on receipt printer.

Enter the address and telephone number of your bookstore.

4015    Refund Gift Cert Balances under________.

When the balance of a redeemed gift certificate is below the amount you have entered here, it will be refunded automatically at the time the gift certificate is redeemed.

4017    Ask telephone # (B)efore or (A)fter sale at POS.

"B" Will ask for telephone number before the sale.
"A" Will ask for telephone number after the sale.
Leave Blank No telephone number prompt.

4018    SoundScan categories: Ex. 013026 means 13 thru 26.

Enter range of categories to send sales information to Spring Arbor for "Sound Scan Reporting" or for "Vital Titles Reporting."   (Vital Title Reporting will need all categories, so enter 001199 for Vital Titles.)

1. Enter the range of categories you will be reporting on line 4018 before sales are made.
2. Run the SLIV ("Post Sales from POS") program to pull reported items.
3. Run the SOUNDSC program from the "Enter Program Name" prompt to prepare the file for transmission.
4. Run the COMM program; choose "Spring Arbor."  Then choose "Send Sound Scan Information."

Note:   You must set line 4032, "Use Real Time Processing? Y/N/R", to "Y" or "N" to be able to send Vital Title information to Spring Arbor.

4019    Company number in sales journal.

This number is used in SLE ("Sales Journal Entry"), SLP ("Sales Journal Print"), SLT ("Total Sales Journal"), etc.  It must be the same number as the general ledger "Store Number" in SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config.

4020    Use dedicated charge printer at POS.

"Y" Will send A/R charges to a dedicated charge printer.  Printer will need to be set up in the Environment or at the workstation.
"N" Will not send charges to a dedicated printer.  Will print on the receipt printer.

Note:   This line MUST be set to "Y" or "N."  Cannot leave blank.

4021    Print salesperson totals on Z-Tape? Y/N

Prints the total sales for the day for each salesperson on the Z-Tape if a "Y" is put here and a "Y" is also put on line #4027, "Prompt for Employee #?"

Must use a two-digit number at the end of employee name, up to #19.

4022    Ask for add’l sales tax exempt info at POS? Y/N

Put a "Y" if you have to indicate to the state why each sale was tax exempt. (i.e. Colorado)

4023    Gift certificate routine? Y/N

"Y" Will bring up the routine to set up a gift certificate.  A number will be assigned to the gift certificate to be used when gift certificate is redeemed.
"N" Will not assign the gift certificate a number to be used when gift certificate is redeemed.

4024    Tax Manufacturer’s Coupons? Y/N/A

"Y" Will tax manufacturer’s coupons.
"N" Will not tax manufacturer’s coupons.
"A" Will tax all coupons and all discounts.

4025    Ask for check number? Y/N

"Y" Prompts for check number and prints check number on sales receipt, when transaction is paid by check.
"N" Will NOT prompt for check number.

4026    Ask emp only once? Y/N

When a POS terminal is used exclusively by one employee, the "Passcode" and "Employee #" fields will be skipped after the first sale until POS is exited, if this configuration is set to "Y."

4027    Prompt for employee #? Y/N/P

"Y" Prompts for employee number when starting a sales transaction at POS.  Will default to last number entered.
"N" Will NOT prompt for employee number.
"P" Prompts for employee passcode.  You set up the passcodes by entering <EMP> at "Enter Program Name," enter your system password, and then select the "Add/Change/Delete" option.

4028    Number of Z-Tapes (1-9).

4029    Print video terms? Y/N