Note:    The purpose of the IVHR program is to “roll” the inventory history.  There is a “Monthly” history roll, as well as a “Weekly” history roll.  At the end of each month, IVHR move the Month to date and Week to date inventory totals into history.  (See IVM Monthly History and Weekly History).  By option, BSMGR will also adjust min/max settings

To open IVHR, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <IVHR> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.


Note:   See the Note (“Schedule Automatic History Roll”) at the end of this IVHR section of this reference manual for an explanation of the “View Prior Results” option.

Select OK to continue.

Month to Roll

Enter the month you wish to roll.  Will default to the last completed month.

Allow Min/Max to Increase

When History Roll is run, if this field is checked, the min/max will increase.  (Limitation:  Will not increase on discontinued items.)

Restart Parameters


This option will take the month-to-date sales and transactions, put them on the month you have chosen to roll, and clear the month-to-date sales and transactions.  Normally, you will run this program on the last day of the month or the first day of the next month.   Monthly roll does not affect weekly sales totals.

Monthly with Min/Max Changes

Note:   See the information on the BSMGR Web cast

(www.bsmgr.com/customercare), “Turnover: Why It’s important and how to improve it” for an explanation of how BSMGR makes Min/Max changes.

This option will take the month-to-date sales and transactions, put them on the month you have chosen to roll, and clear the month-to-date sales and transactions.  Normally, you will run this program on the last day of the month or the first day of the next month.  The “Monthly with Min/Max Changes” roll will analyze min/max settings.  Based on sales over a given period and settings in the system configuration, BSMGR can, by option, raise or lower min max settings. 

 IVHR (Monthly option) will also, by option, (SYS Config 2041) delete discontinued out of stock products.  (See Config 2042) for other options.

 By option, (SYS Config # 2099) A suggested list of items that need stock increases will be printed as well as an overstock report.  

 The “Inventory Increases Needed” and the “Inventory Overstock” reports are in the same format except for the headings.

OCT1,1996 Christian Book Store       INVENTORY INCREASES NEEDED          PAGE 1


0840721757 PRECIOUS MOMENTS BIB  NEL   068 001  0  6  0  0 09-30-96 10-03-91   1   0   2    1   2  6

0310900352 NIV STUDY LP BURG     NIV   097 001  1  1  0  0 09-15-96 10-17-91   2   1   2    2   1  8

0310919177 NIV ADVENTURE BIBLE   NIV   097 001  1  0  0  0 09-17-96 04-27-90   1   2   0    2   0  5


The reports will show each item number, title, author, vendor, category, maximum stocking level, on hand, on order, backorder, date last sold, date first received, and the sales for the last six months.

The current is the month-to-date and will be put on the month chosen when IVHR is run.  “1MO” is the next month back from the month just completed.  “2MO” is the second month back from the month just completed.  “3MO” is the third month back from the month just completed.  “4MO” is the fourth month back from the month just completed.  “5MO” is the fifth month back from the month just completed.


(1)     Items that have “N” or “2” in the “IVDC/Turn” field on inventory maintenance will not be analyzed or deleted.

(2)     Categories with an “X” in the “(X)empt” column in SYS, Config File, Change 999 Categories, will be exempt from being analyzed or deleted from inventory.

(3)     Items that are not one to a package will not be analyzed or deleted.

(4)     Items that have the “Grouping” field set to “Multiple” or “Kit” will not be analyzed or deleted.

(5)     Set SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 2041 “IVHR to Delete Discontinued Out of Stock Items?” to “Y,” and all items, except the above exceptions, will be automatically deleted.  Set to “N,” and items will not be automatically deleted.

Note:    If for some reason you do not need printed reports of the History Roll, the printed reports can be suppressed by setting SYS Config. File, Change Misc. Configuration, number 2099 "Print IVHR Reports?  Y/N" to “N.”


This option will roll the "Sales History Wk #1" to "Wk #2," "Wk #2" to "Wk #3," etc.  The first-week sales are entered as the items are sold.  The number of sales will remain in "Wk #1" until the "Weekly" history roll is run.  To keep track of weekly sales, this option should be run at the end of each week.  Sales for eight weeks will be shown if the program is run each week.  Weekly roll does not affect monthly sales totals.

Note:   The "Weekly" roll must be run if you are choosing to run IVWO ("Inventory Work Order Report") for items that have sold in the last week or the last two weeks.

Weekly with Min/Max Changes

Note:    See the information on the BSMGR Web cast (www.bsmgr.com/customercare), Turnover: Why It's important and how to improve it”, for an explanation of how BSMGR makes Min/Max changes.

This option sets the min/max to the last eight weeks of sales.  

Note:    Will not lower Min/Max until after an item has been in stock for eight full weeks.

Change Min/Max Only

This option just changes min/max values, the same as the  "Monthly with Min/Max Changes" option does, but with no history roll or printout.  This enables the user to “reset” min/max without waiting until the end of the month.


Note:  Min/max is set on a monthly basis, determined by how the cash register department turnover has been set (Tables 1-8, SYS Config 2029-2036).  If min/max of some departments need to be set based on a shorter turn-around time, you can set the turn field in those departments to 9, which means you use the weekly history roll for those departments.  Consequently, if some departments are set up this way, you will need to run both the monthly and the weekly history rolls with min/max changes.

To use this feature, enter a 9 in the “Turn” field when you set up these shorter turn-around departments in SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config.

When IVHR Monthly runs, it sets models on your items based on sales in each category. You will have model A,B,C, and D items in each category.  The model D will only be set if the item has no sales for 45 days.  New items will not have a model set until the IVHR Monthly has been run and will not be adjusted to a D until it has been in inventory for 46 days.

Note:  Schedule Automatic History Roll

Instead of having to remember to run the history roll program manually, you can instruct the operating system to run it weekly (Ex:  Saturday nights) or monthly (Ex:  first day of every month).  If you use this feature, SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations number 2092 should be set to “N” to turn off the message windows that pop up concerning IVHR.

You may view the status of the history roll and verify that it has run and been completed, by selecting the “View Prior Results” option when you open the IVHR program.