Screen 2 - Additional Information


Future feature for stores who have their own Internet sites through BSMGR.


This is a two character-field that, if left blank, will allow IVDC to change prices when run with the appropriate choices and allow IVHR to recalculate min/max settings based upon sales history.  However, some users may wish to override the IVDC and IVHR on individual items.  To do so:

The first character represents IVDC price changes:

“Y” Allow IVDC to change prices on this item.
“N” Don’t allow IVDC to change prices on this item.

The second character represents how IVHR min/max changes are made to an item:

“0” Don’t change min/max.
“1-9” Use Turnover table 1-9 from the system configuration.

Max Line Disc

Will default to 99, which will give up to a 100% discount on this item.  A smaller amount entered here will only allow a discount percentage up to that amount.

Purchases YTD

This field is for future use.


A one-character field; defaults to "Y."  If item is not returnable, enter an "N."  "N" will not allow the item to be pulled to a projected inventory return report (IVR).

Return By

Enter the date the item must be returned by.


This is a  four-character field that is automatically changed when changes are made and saved manually in the "On Hand" amount. 

Total Return

If the item is put on a return request and merged, this amount will show how many were returned.  Clicking on the "?" will bring up detailed return history of the item.


Will compute the number of days since last sold and keep a record of the last two sales cycles.  (This field cannot be edited.)

Last Ord'd

The last date the item has been ordered will be entered here as a purchase order is made for the item.


When IVHR ("History Roll") is run at the end of a month, items over $1.00 retail and blacklisted items are ranked according to selling price times units sold (best seller/worst seller). (This field cannot be edited.)

Note:    You may reset "Rank" without running the history roll by using the TOP ("Top Sellers") program. Enter the appropriate month to begin a three-month calculation.

Example: Entering a "4" would calculate April, May and June.

1st Rec'd

The date the item is first merged into stock will be entered here when the first purchase order is merged.

*NOTE*  If your "1st Rec'd" date is 0 and your on hand qty is greater than 0, when IVHR is run then it will take the date that it was 1st sold and set the "1st Rec'd" to match the date that it was 1st sold (this only happens once IVHR monthly or weekly has been ran)

Pub. Date

Enter the date the item was published.

Last Rec'd

The last date the item has been received will be entered here when the purchase order is merged.


The date the item is entered on inventory will be entered here after the information is saved.  (Cannot be edited.)

Sold #1

The first date back when the item was sold will be entered here when item is sold.

Last Update

Shows the date the record was last updated.

Sold #2

The second date back when the item was sold will be entered here when item is sold.


An item designated “Discontinued” will never come up on a suggested order or work order and will never have its min/max increased by IVHR.  

Recvd Mtd, Ytd, Lyr, Tl

These fields show amounts received month-to-date, year-to-date, last year and total.

Trans Mtd, Ytd, Lyr, Tl

For Multi-Stores, these fields show amounts transferred month-to-date, year-to-date, last year and total.

For Multi-Store consideration, the “Recvd” amounts will be the total of received off a P.O. in that store.  The “Trans” amounts will be either a minus or a plus, depending on if it was a transfer out or in.  The IVHR will automatically close out the month-to-date figures and the December history roll will close out the year.

Skip Labels

Prevent IVL from generating price labels for this item.

Related Products

Used for items, such as Bible Study books that might have a leader’s guide.  When checked, a pop up screen allows you to enter the related items.

If SYS Config #4013 is set to “Y,” and an item has related products, after scanning the product at POS, a screen will pop up showing the related products.  This can be used for Add On sales.

New Title Min/Max

When this field is checked, the following screen appears:

You can use these fields to pre-set min/max totals for the first six months that the item is carried.

Option at bottom of screen:

Viewer (Windows Only)

Images of an item are displayed on Screen 2 when they are available.  If contents are also available, this “viewer” option will allow you to view the information.