Enter the drivers' license numbers and names of people with insufficient checks (one to a line, license number first).
Set SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4052 ("Display Hot Checks?") to a "Y" or "H" to activate the "Drivers License" field at Point of Sale. Then, when someone pays with a check, after you enter the check number, it will ask for the driver's license number. The computer will check the license numbers that are on file and, if the number is found, "This customer has bad checks on file!" will be displayed.
Add/Change/Delete Bad Drivers Licenses
This file is 64K (allowing roughly 800 listings).
Use Page Up/Dn and arrow keys to locate information for editing.
To add a listing, press <Enter> and a blank line will be inserted above the line where the cursor is located. Enter the driver's license number on the first 16 characters of the line. Enter the name after the 17th character of the line.
To delete a listing, highlight and press <Del>.
Use F5=Options to Save any changes to the list or to Print the list.