Accounts Payable Vendor Maintenance Accounts Payable Entry Checks Accounts Payable Utilities Accounts Payable to General Ledger
Accounts Payable Vendor Maintenance
A. APHD - Company Header Information.
The APHD program allows you to set up and make changes to the company profile for your store in Accounts Payable.
B. APM - Adding/Changing/Deleting Accounts Payable Vendors.
Use the APM program to add new vendors, change vendor information and delete vendors.
C. APRM - Accounts Payable Recurring Maintenance
- After setting up your vendors, you may set up payments to a vendor, which are for the same amount each month for a specific number of times, by using the APRM program. (Example: A recurring account for rent payments.)
- After these are set up, you will need to run the APRE ("Accounts Payable Recurring Entry") program each month to enter the amount on the vendor to be paid. The amounts may only be sent to the vendors one time a month.
- Use the APP ("Vendor Masterfile Print") program to print out a listing of the Accounts Payable vendors you have set up.
- Use the APRP ("Recurring Maintenance Print") program to print out a list of the Accounts Payable vendors you have set up for a recurring entry.
A. APE - Accounts Payable Entry
The APE program allows you to enter Accounts Payable credit memos and invoices to be paid by computer check. It also allows you to enter office checks, void computer checks, or delete unpaid invoices or credit memos.
These may be added on the same batch by switching between the "Invoice" and "Credit Memo" options.
2. Office Check
You may mark paid an invoice that has been entered for payment, or you may enter and mark paid an invoice that has not been previously entered.
* When marking paid an invoice that has already been entered, choose the "Mark Existing Invoices as Paid" option. Enter the vendor number, the invoice number that has been paid, the check number and the date paid.
* When paying an invoice that has not been entered, enter as a new invoice using the "Enter and Pay Invoice" option. The invoice will be entered and marked paid with the office check number and date paid. The amount will be expensed in the general ledger and taken out of the general ledger bank account, so do not enter with the other office checks.
3. Void a Check - Allows you to void any computer check that has been written. This will be sent to the general ledger on the date the check was voided. The check number and date will be removed from the invoice number and the invoice may be paid again. If the invoice was entered in error, you will need to delete the invoice using the "Delete an Unpaid Invoice" option.
B. APRE - Accounts Payable Recurring Entry
The APRE program is used to merge the recurring payments each month, so the payments will be entered on the Accounts Payable vendors to be paid. This must be done before you run the APDD ("Pay By Due Date") or APBI ("Pay by Invoice") programs. These payments can only be merged one time a month.
C. API - Accounts Payable Vendor Inquiry
The API program allows you to view/print invoices and credit memos for individual vendor accounts. You may view the file in order by invoice date or invoice number.
A. APR - Accounts Payable Required Amounts Due
- The APR program allows you to find out the required amount due to all or individual vendors through a certain due date.
- If the total amount due is more than you can pay at the time, you may run the program again, entering an earlier date to pay through. This will help you determine the "Date To Pay Through" for running the APDD program to pull invoices/credit memos to be paid.
B. APDD - Accounts Payable Pay by Due Date
- The APDD program allows you to extract invoices/credit memos to be paid. Enter the date you want to pay through and all of the invoices/credit memos that have a due date by or before that date will be pulled for payment. You will get a printout, called a pre-check write audit, of all vendors and invoices/credit memos that will be paid, with vendor totals and total amount due of all vendors. This program puts 9's in the check number space in API showing that this invoice/credit memo has been pulled for payment.
- At this time you can edit the invoices to be paid by using the APBI program, or you may untag all of the tagged invoices by using the APUL ("Accounts Payable Utilities") program.
C. APBI - Accounts Payable Pay by Invoice
- Run the APBI program to choose to pull only the invoices you want to pay, or edit invoices that have been pulled for payment. You may tag or untag an invoice/credit memo to be paid. An asterisk will be displayed to the left of an invoice to be paid. You may pay by due date and pay by invoice on the same check run.
- Run the pay by due date program (APDD), then if you want to add or take off invoices/credit memos, go into the pay by invoice program (APBI) and tag or untag invoices/credit memos.
D. APCP - Accounts Payable Check Print
Run the APCP program to write the checks for the invoices/credit memos that have been tagged. A test pattern will be printed on the bottom line of the voucher for dot matrix printers. On laser printers you will not need a test pattern.
E. APUL - Accounts Payable Utilities
- The APUL program allows you to untag all invoices/credit memos that have been tagged for payment.
- This program also allows you to periodically purge the list of all checks written through Accounts Payable.
F. APCR - Accounts Payable Check Register
Run the APCR program to print a list of all computer-generated checks. The end of month report prints out a list of checks written since the last end of month was run. If this is run at the end of each month, you will have a list of all checks written for the month. This is helpful in completing your bank reconciliation. If a check has been voided before the check run is printed, it will show to be voided and will not be added in the total at the end of the report. A voided check is sent to the general ledger by the date it was voided.
Accounts Payable Aging and Updating
A. APA - Accounts Payable Aging
You can determine the total amount due for each month of the year by running the APA program. The report will list the vendors with unpaid invoices and the month they are due. The totals due for each month will be printed at the bottom of the report.
B. APDP - Accounts Payable Discount Print
Run the APDP program for an A/P discount report. This report will list all of the vendors that have invoices with discounts that have not been taken. Unpaid invoices that have discounts that had to be taken before the day of the report will not be on the report.
C. APHU - Accounts Payable History Update
Run the APHU program to update the amounts spent with vendors. This program moves the APM current year totals to last years totals and deletes the previous years totals. Run the program once a year, usually in December.
D. APVE - Accounts Payable Vendor Edit
Run the APVE program to drop paid invoices/credit memos that have been paid from one to sixty months. The number of months to keep paid invoices on file is set up in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 3000.
Accounts Payable to General Ledger
All entries made in the APE, APRE, & APCP programs go to a holding file, to be sent to the General Ledger when you run the GLAP program.
A. Invoices to General Ledger
- When invoices are entered into APE to be paid, the G/L disbursement accounts entered for the invoice are debited and the Accounts Payable Trade account is credited. Invoices go to the G/L by invoice date.
- When an unpaid invoice is deleted, the adjusting G/L entries are made. The G/L disbursement accounts entered for the invoice are credited and the Accounts Payable Trade account is debited.
B. Credit Memos to General Ledger
- When credit memos are entered into APE to be taken, the G/L disbursement accounts entered for the credit memo are credited and the Account Payable Trade account is debited. Credit memos go to the G/L by credit memo date.
- When an unused credit memo is deleted, the adjusting G/L entries are made. The G/L disbursement accounts entered for the credit memo are debited and the Accounts Payable Trade account is credited.
C. Computer Checks to General Ledger
- When invoices/credit memos are paid with computer checks, the Accounts Payable Trade account is debited for the total of all invoices/credit memos, and the Cash Checking account is credited for the net amount of the checks. If discounts are taken, the Discounts Earned account is credited. Checks go to the G/L by the date checks were written.
- When a check is voided, the adjusting G/L entries are made. The Accounts Payable Trade account is credited, and the Cash Checking account and the Discounts Earned account are debited. The adjusting entries are made in GLAP automatically when a check is voided. Voided checks go to the G/L on the date they are voided.
D. Office Checks to General Ledger
Office checks may be handled three different ways:
- If the office check is paying an invoice already on the computer, you may mark the invoice as paid. Entry will automatically be made to the G/L and coded to Accounts Payable Trade as a debit and to the Cash Checking account as a credit.
- If the office check is paying a new invoice that you put on the computer at the time you enter the office check, the entries are automatically made as a debit to the accounts entered on the distribution of the invoice and as a credit to the Cash Checking account. Do not enter the office check manually to the G/L.
- Office checks that are not paying an existing invoice may be entered directly into the G/L as a debit to what was paid and as a credit to the Cash Checking account, using the GLE program.
E. Accounts Payable Holding File - GLAP
- All of the entries made on the A/P programs go to the holding file, GLAP. Open GLAP and choose "Print A/P Journal Contents," the "Print to Screen" option, to view what is in the file.
- Running the GLAP program gives you the option of transferring ALL entries or transferring entries by date. If transferring entries by date, enter the oldest date to transfer entries through the end of the month you are closing on the G/L. This will leave the entries for later months in the GLAP file. Make sure all invoices/credit memos are entered into the APE program for the month you are closing.