Add/Change/Delete Accounts

To open GLM, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <GLM> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.



GLM Introductory Note GLM Add/Chg/Del Options



Note:    BSMGR comes with a chart of accounts for a single store. (See Appendix B for Sample General Ledger Chart of Accounts.)  If you will need a Multi-Store chart of accounts, it will need to be installed or downloaded, or prepared manually.

If you must customize a chart of accounts, there are several things to keep in mind:

(A=Asset, L=Liability, C=Capital, I=Income, E=Expense)

Assets - lowest numbers (e.g. 1000’s)

Liabilities - next lowest numbers (e.g. 2000’s)

Capital - middle numbers (e.g. 3000’s)

Income- higher numbers (interchangeable with Expenses) (e.g. 7000’s)

Expenses - higher numbers (interchangeable with Income) (e.g. 8000’s)

(H)eaders can affect totals, but do not print totals. Headers print the name of the header account, but never any dollar amounts.

(A)ccounts always print the name of the account and the dollar amounts, and add the dollar amounts into the totals.

(T)otals print the name of the Total Account and can take some type action on the running totals.  You direct the action of the five levels of totals by entering a code letter in "Total 1, Total 2," etc.  A sixth level of totals is hard coded into the SYStem and will automatically print a final total at the end of an income statement or balance sheet.

Following is a sample balance sheet.   By looking at the "Totals" codes on the sample chart of accounts in Appendix B, you will be able to see how the codes direct the format of the Headers and Totals on the balance sheet.

Example:    On the account number 001299, "Total Current Assets," the "CTNNN" codes indicate clear first level ("Total 1"), totals and prints second level ("Totals 2") and has no action on levels three, four and five ("Totals 3, 4, and 5").


Color Chart for Balance Sheet Example:
     SYStem Total






    001006 CASH CHECKING ACCOUNT                                    5,000.00

    001007 CASH SAVINGS                                                            2,500.00

    001008 CASH FOR DRAWERS                                                   500.00            


            TOTAL CASH ON HAND                                                                               8,000.00



    001130 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INHOUSE                      2,500.00

    001131 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CRDT CARDS                 250.00


            TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                                             2,750.00



    001150 INVENTORY BOOK STORE                                     50,000.00


            TOTAL INVENTORY                                                                                    50,000.00

            TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                                        60,750.00



    002001 EQUIPMENT                                                              65,000.00

    002002 ACCUM DEPRECIATION EQUIPMENT              35,000.00-


            TOTAL PLANT ASSETS                                                                          30,000.00


TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                       90,750.00








    003101 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TRADE                                25,000.00

    003140 SALES TAX PAYABLE                                                 1,500.00


            TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                   26,500.00




            TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                                          .00


            TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                                       26,500.00



   003390 CURRENT YEAR EARNING                                        10,000.00

    003397 RETAINED EARNINGS                                              54,250.00


            TOTAL CAPITAL                                                                                           64,250.00


            TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL                                                      90,750.00



GLM Add/Change/Delete Options

GLM allows additions, changes, and deletions to the General Ledger accounts.


Add Store (Add Company Header Account) (See also Multi-Store Header Accounts)

To set up the Company Header Account on the General Ledger, select the "Add Store" option.

Store Number

Enter zeros for the store number when setting up a "Company Header" account.

Store Name

Enter the store name.  If Multi-Store, enter the name of the main store.

Last Period Completed

When you are ready to start using the General Ledger, enter the last period completed for the year.  The last period completed is always the current period, minus one.


Current Year Date

Current period date will be the last day of the last completed period.

Current Year Earnings

Enter the "Current Year Earnings" account number from your General Ledger Chart of Accounts.

Retained Earnings

Enter the "Retained Earnings" account number from your General Ledger Chart of Accounts.

Select F5-Options and choose Save to save the entries.


Add Multi-Store Header Accounts

After setting up the main store, Multi-Store users will need to set up a header for each branch store.

Enter number 01 as the Store Number for store #1, 02 for store #2, etc.  Then enter the name of the store corresponding to the store number.  Select F5-Options to Save.


Add Accounts on General Ledger

Add Account (Regular Account) Add Total Account Add Header Account


Regular (A)ccounts

(On the GLC Chart of Accounts printout, regular accounts are identified under the "Typ" column with an "A.")

Account Number

Enter the new account number.  You may press <F3> for "General Ledger Lookup," where a list of accounts that have already been set up will be displayed.

Account Name

Enter the account name.

Account Type

Select an account type from the list box:

(Asset, Liability, Capital, Income or Expense)

Graph Category

For users who have purchased the graphics program, these choices are sub-groupings.

Revenue Dept

When the "Graph Category" is "Inventory," this field is activated.  It is used for graphing purposes, associating the inventory account with a revenue department (1-24) within your cash register setup and allowing you to compare inventory with sales.

Skip to New Page

This defaults to "No."  Select "Yes" when you want the account you are entering to appear on a different page of the income statement or balance sheet.

Select F5-Options to Save.

(T)otal Accounts

(On the GLC Chart of Accounts printout, "Total" accounts are identified under the "Typ" column with a "T.")

Account Number

Enter the new account number.  You may press <F3> for "General Ledger Lookup," where a list of accounts that have already been set up will be displayed.

Total Name

Enter the "Total" account name.

Account Type

Select an account type from the list box:

(Asset, Liability, Capital, Income or Expense)


Enter the desired action you wish the account to take on the five levels of totals:

(T=Total, S= Sub-Total, C= Clear/No Print, and N= No Action)

Skip to New Page

This defaults to "No."  Select "Yes" when you want the account you are entering to appear on a different page of the income statement or balance sheet.

Select F5-Options to Save.

(H)eader Accounts

(On the GLC Chart of Accounts printout, "Header" accounts are identified under the "Typ" column with an "H.")

Account Number

Enter the new account number.  You may press <F3> for "General Ledger Lookup," where a list of accounts that have already been set up will be displayed.

Header Name

Enter the "Header" account name.

Account Type

Select an account type from the list box:

(Asset, Liability, Capital, Income or Expense)


Enter the desired action you wish the account to take on the five levels of totals:

(Y=Yes, Clear N=No, Not Clear)

Skip to New Page

This defaults to "No."  Select "Yes" when you want the account you are entering to appear on a different page of the income statement or balance sheet.

Select F5-Options to Save.


Change/Delete Account

Change/Delete Total Account

Change/Delete Header Account

All of these change/delete account options work the same.  Enter the appropriate account number to bring up the account.  (If you do not know the number, you may press <F3> to look up the number.)

Select F5-Options, and choose:

Note:   After saving account additions or changes to an account, a message, "Do you want to edit 5 year totals?", will be displayed. Answer "Yes," and year #1 totals for fiscal periods 1-12 will be displayed.  Page down for year #2, etc.  The amounts shown may be edited. If entering a new account, there will be no entries.  These figures are used only by the add-on Graphics program.


Change/Delete Store

Enter the "Store Number," and the "Store Name" will be displayed. Change the store name and select F5-Options, the Save option to save the new name.

Or, if this is the store you wish to delete, select F5-Options, the Delete option. A message, "Are you sure you want to delete?", will be displayed. If you select "Yes," another message, "You are about to delete a store. Are you sure you want to?", will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the store.