To open SLAR, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <SLAR> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.

Post All Entries:

Choosing this option will transfer all invoices, credit memos, and payments entered at the Point Of Sale since the last time SLAR was run to Accounts Receivable accounts.  A printout will be generated.

Post only Payments:

Choosing this option will transfer only the payments entered at the Point Of Sale since the last time SLAR was run to Accounts Receivable accounts.  A printout will be generated.

This posting may be done on a daily basis to keep ARI ("Current Balance Inquiry") current.

Note:     Run this program at the end of the day that you close out A/R.  Do NOT run this program in the middle of the monthly closeout.  You may run again after ARSM ("A/R Set up for New Month") has been run.