Data Base Inquiry (IVDI)


1.   IVDI Song Finder can now perform a search by key words, in addition to searching by title.  This feature will locate any tape, CD or book in the database containing a key word or words.

Since this search feature requires 21 MB of disk space, some may choose not to use it.   The choice should be made prior to conversion to Bookstore Manager Version 6.0, so that SYS, Environment can be set accordingly.  (See "Preparation" in Section V.  Installation/Conversion of Version 6.0.)


2.   For users who incorporate additional databases into their system, the databases are enabled in SYS, Environment, DATABASES-ENABLED 00000.  Each zero represents an additional database in the order they appear on the IVDI Database Inquiry Options screen:

To enable a database, a one (1) is substituted for a zero (0).   For example, to enable Ingram, the entry in SYS, Environment should be changed to read:



3.   Search options by "Bar Code #" and "Vendor/Publisher" have been added to IVDI.


4.    Speed in performing a search in IVDI by using "Key Word" has been increased. Also, if two words in a title are known, both words can be used to narrow the search.

Example:   Using the key words "choice happiness" in the "Key Word(s)" field will find only the title Happiness is a Choice.


5.    BSMGR database can now perform Boolean searches in all fields.