To open ARUL, enter <ARUL>in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.


This program is used to clear the charges/credits/payments entered at the Point of Sale that you do not wish to be posted to the Accounts Receivable accounts when the SLAR program, "Post all Entries" option is run.


Delete Unposted A/R Transaction

After entering the supervisory password to gain access, enter the "Account #" of the transaction you want to unpost and select OK.

Highlight the transaction you wish to delete and select Delete. At the message, "Are you sure you want to delete reference #xxxxxxxx?", select "Yes" to delete the transaction. The transaction will still print on the SLAR report, described as "ARUL-Deleted," so you will have an audit trail.

Clear A/R Transaction File

This option is used mainly to clear out the Accounts Receivable training done at Point of Sale before starting to ring up actual sales transactions.

Enter the supervisory password and select "Yes" at the message, "Are you sure you want to empty the A/R transaction file.", to clear the file.