Database Options

1 = BSMGR Database
2 = Bible Search
3 = Song Finder
4 = Ingram
5 = CD ROM
6 = Other #2
7 = Other #3
8 = Other #4
<Esc> to Exit


1 = BSMGR Database - Searches the Database by Title, Author, Category, Item #, or Word. Enter any of the above and a list of items by the search chosen will be displayed. The items will be in alphabetical order by the search chosen except the item search will be in numerical order and the word search will be in numerical order of the items found with the word that is being searched.

2 = Bible Search - Searches the Database for Bibles limited by your choice of translation, color, binding, and keywords. You may also limit the search by price. Items found will be displayed to screen.

3 = Song Finder - Searches the Database for Song titles you enter. All Hymn books, piano books, cassettes, CD’s, etc. will be listed if the song is found in the list of songs in the hymn book, piano book, cassette, CD’s, etc. and displayed to screen.

4 = Ingram - Will search the Ingram Database for items by Title, Author, Category, Item #, or Word. Enter any of the above and a list of items by the search chosen will be displayed. The items will be in alphabetical order by the search chosen except the item search will be in numerical order and the word search will be in numerical order of the items found with the word that is being searched.

5 = CD ROM - Sorry this feature is not yet supported.

6 = Other #2 - You may add the Arkansas Book Distributor Database and access it using this option.

7 = Other #3 - Not active at this time. Reserved for other databases.

8 = Other #4 - Not active at this time. Reserved for other databases.

<Esc> - will exit the program.

Note: BSMGR Database will do a Boolean search. When choosing the way you want to search the BSMGR Database, you may limit the search by putting in a search followed by an asterisk, then tab over to the next way you want to search, enter the search and press <Enter>. Example: Put in SWIND* in the author search, tab over to category and enter CL, then press <Enter>. This will search for Christian Living Books that have been written by Swindoll.


IVDI #1 = BSMGR Database

<Tab> - to choose the type of search needed, enter the needed information, and press <Enter>. The list will be displayed to the screen.

First Line: The title, author, subject, publisher, publish date, retail price, and discount will be shown if supplied.

Second Line: The Item #, binding, and return to warehouse will be shown if supplied. Then the category you have assigned the item in your store, retail price in your inventory, and amount on hand in your inventory will be shown if you add your inventory to the BSMGR Database.

<Arrow Up/Dn> - To choose item.

<Page Up/Dn> - To display previous/next screen.

<Esc> - To exit to the Lookup Options or back to the Database Options.

<Enter>=IVM - To display the inventory maintenance screen for items in your inventory. If item isn’t found, ‘Sorry , no such item on file.... Press any key’ will be displayed. Press any key to return to Database Lookup.

<F1>=Order - To place a Special Order for the item highlighted.

<F2>=Warehouse - To see what warehouses/distributors carries this item. If the item is carried by Appalachian or Whitaker, the discount they give on the item will be shown.

<F3>=Add - To add the item into your inventory.

<F4>=Add’l Product Information - To see additional information for Bibles and Music.

The Bible information will list the information known on ISBN #, description, version, language, reference, publisher, color, binding, price, width, height, thickness, print size, style #, red letter, indexed, concordance, subject cat., and closure. Press <Esc> to go back to the list on the database.

The Music information will list the information known on item #, UPC #, title, artist, price, category, label, series, background, level, stock #, media, format, voicing, stereo, age, range, and notes. Press <F4> for a list of songs. Press <Esc> to go back to previous screen.

<F6>=Cat/Subj Abvr. - Will tell you the category/subject abbreviation for the item. If not available, ‘Sorry, No additional information’ will be displayed. Press any key to return to Database Lookup.

<F7>=Change/Delete - Will allow you the make changes on items in the BSMGR Database, or you may delete an item from the database.

After changes are made, press <F4> for Options. (S)ave, (D)elete, (C)ancel, or (U)ndo.

(S)ave - Enter a "S" to save the entry or changes.
(D)elete - Enter a "D" to delete the item.
(C)ancel - Enter a "C" to cancel the options screen.
(U)ndo - Enter a "U" to undo entries made.

<F8>=Lost Sales - Will keep a record of lost sales because item was not in stock and customer did not order. Enter the units of lost sales and press <Enter> to record or <Esc> to skip. (Run IVMS #1=Report to view lost sales to screen, and IVMS #2=Clear File to clear information in the file.)


IVDI #2 = Bible Search

Arrow Up/Down to chose Translation, press <Tab> or arrow right key to go to the Color choices. Arrow Up/Down to chose Color, press <Tab> or arrow right key to go to the Binding choices. Arrow Up/Down to chose Binding, press <Tab> or arrow right key to go to the Keywords choices. Press <F2> for Help on key word choices. A window will be displayed giving you key word examples. Other words may be used than the ones listed. Press any key to go back to the Keywords choices. Enter up to three Keywords. Press <F1> to Search.

A window will be displayed to enter the Minimum/Maximum Price Limitation. Enter the Minimum price, then the Maximum price, or press <Enter> for Bibles of all prices. The database will be searched for items in the parameters chosen. A window will be displayed telling you how many matches found, then the items will be displayed the same as BSMGR Database. Press <F2> for Warehouse, Press <F4> for Add’l Information, and <F6> for Cat/Subj Abvr. These will be shown if supplied. The Options at the bottom of the screen are the same as the BSMGR Database.


IVDI #3 = Song Finder

Song Finder

Enter Song:

<Esc> to Abort Search

Enter the exact Title of the Song and press <Enter>. Or enter a part of the title then an asterisk (*) and press <Enter>. The database will be searched for the song title. A window will be displayed telling you how many matches found, then the items that have that song on them will be displayed the same as BSMGR Database. Options at bottom of screen are the same, except when you Press <F4> for Add’l Information, you may Press <F4> again to list the songs on the cassette, CD’s, song book, etc. Press <Esc> <Esc> to return to list of items. <Esc> again will take you to the database lookup by word.

IVDI #4 = Ingram

You will not have the Ingram Database Lookup unless you obtain Ingram’s Database from Ingram. BSMGR will take their database and put in a form you can use on BSMGR.

The Ingram Database Lookup works the same as BSMGR’s Database except, the options at the bottom of screen, do NOT include: <F4>=Add’l Information or <F6>=Cat/Subj Abvr.


"Sorry, this feature is not yet supported...."

IVDI #6 = Other #2

If you have installed the Arksansas Distributors Database and created the Look-Up file, you may access the information using this option. The items in the Arkansas Book Distributor Database will be listed in the same format as the BSMGR Database and may be looked up the same way execept it will NOT look up by Category or Word. The Arkansas Book Distributor Database will NOT have the Options <F4> for Additional Information or <F6> for Catagory/Subject Abreviation.

IVDI #7 = Other #3

Not active at this time. Reserved for other databases.

IVDI #8 = Other #4

Not active at this time. Reserved for other databases.