To open SLTL, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <SLTL> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.



Total All Registers

A tape for each register and then a total tape for all registers may be printed.  Or, only a total tape for all registers may be printed.  Set the SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4028 to the number of Z tapes wanted.  This routine sends the totals to the SLE sales journal spreadsheet.  If you have already run the total routine for the day, a warning will be displayed saying you have totaled twice in one day.  You have the option to add the two Z tapes together.  Whether you add together or not, ALL register totals are cleared.

Note:   If you are printing the check numbers, A/R invoice numbers, and credit card numbers at the end of the Z-tape, the last Z of the day must be the "Total All Registers" option so that the file will be cleared for the next day.  To print the information at the end of the Z-tape, set SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 4038, "Print Check/Charge/CrCard detail on Z-tape" to "Y."

Example of "Total All Registers:"


DEC 5,1996       Book and Gift Center

         TOTAL TAPE

BOOK          8       247.60   16.54 %

BIBLE         8       406.15   12.26 %

TAPE/CD       6        45.58    1.37 %

ACCOMP TAPE   7       176.13    5.32 %

PRINTED MUSIC 7       101.70    3.07 %

GIFT / AWARD  9       444.45   13.42 %

S.S. SUPPLY   7        97.09    2.93 %

VIDEO SALES   7        90.83    2.74 %

CHILDREN                 .00         %

CARDS        21       254.13    7.67 %

T-SHIRTS      1        52.59    1.58 %

BIBLE TAPES              .00         %

CHURCH SUPPLY 6       852.36   25.74 %

CURRICULUM    1        25.12     .75 %

CHORAL MUSIC             .00         %

JEWELRY       6       212.52    6.42 %

PICTURES                 .00         %

NOVELTIES                .00         %

POSTAG/HANDLG            .00         %

KITS                     .00         %

VIDEO RENTALS 1         3.98     .12 %

PIANO METHODS            .00         %

CALENDARS                .00         %

IMPRINT                  .00         %

   GROSS SALES       3310.23

Store Coupon            5.00

Man. Coupon            10.98


Override                 .00

Promotion                .00

Employee               42.50

Freq. Buyer              .00

Special                  .00

Organizational           .00

Sale                     .00

Tl Discounts           42.50

   NET SALES         3251.75

Sale Transactions 85


Rec on Acct            10.00

Layaway Payments       10.00

Gift Cert Sold           .00

Returned Checks          .00

Customer Deposit         .00

Misc. Revenue            .00


SALES TAX-1           107.75

SALES TAX-2              .00

SALES TAX-3              .00

SALES TAX-4              .00


OTHER TAX                .00

   TL SALES TAX       107.75


            PAID OUTS

FREIGHT                  .00

PURCHASES                .00

SUPPLIES                 .00

POSTAGE                  .00

CON LABOR                .00

MISCELA                  .00

   TOTAL PAID OUT        .00

Gift Cert. Redeem      25.00

Layaways       1       52.51

House Charges  1      179.80


MASTERCARD               .00

VISA                     .00

AM EXPRESS               .00

ELEC CCARD               .00

DISCOVER                 .00

MANUAL CC     1       302.83

Checks       23      1566.13

Cash                 1253.23

   Total Drawer      3122.19

VOIDS                    .00

REFUNDS                  .00

NO SALES      0


NON TAXABLE SALE      406.15

Exempt Org               .00

Resale                   .00

Out State                .00



01                    421.17

02                     50.25

03                    290.85

05                   2073.16

08                    474.80



Hour 10 to 11   15    985.25

Hour 11 to 12   22   1058.53

Hour 12 to 13   17    865.85

Hour 14 to 15    8    245.69

Hour 15 to 16    5     98.15

Hour 16 to 17    3     56.76

Mail List Skips 0005

Time of Tape   18:25

Note:   At the end of the SLTL printout will appear a line ("Mail List Skips") indicating the number of times the request for telephone number (to tie MLM with a sales transaction) was skipped.

Display Totals

Displays subtotals for each department and total sales for all departments to the screen.  Register totals are NOT cleared.

Sub Tl & Print

Subtotals for all departments and total sales for ALL registers are printed.  This prints the same as "Total All Registers," except it will have "SUB TOTAL TAPE" at the top of the printout.  Register totals are NOT cleared.

Sub Tl 1 Register

Subtotals for all departments and total sales for ONE chosen register are printed.  This prints the same as "Total All Registers," except it will have "SUB TOTAL TAPE #X" at the top of the printout.  Register totals are NOT cleared.

Total 1 Register

A total tape for one chosen register is printed.  This prints the same as "Total All Registers," except it will have "TOTAL TAPE #X" at the top of the printout. Register totals for chosen register are cleared and totals are sent to the SLE sales journal. 

Sub Tl 1 Employee

Subtotals for all departments and total sales for ONE employee are printed.  Register totals are NOT cleared.  *note* SYS config line 4018 has to set to a "Y" in order for this button to be enabled.

Total 1 Employee

A total tape for ONE employee are printed.  Totals are cleared.  For RMS Platinum users, totals are sent to the SLE sales journal.  After totaling one register, the next time you total one register or total all registers, you will need to add the totals together so all sales for the day will be in the sales journal.  *note* SYS config line 4018 has to set to a "Y" in order for this button to be enabled.

Note: If the RMS platinum user should decide to total one or more registers throughout  the day, after the first register that is totaled, there will be a sales journal entry made.  Subsequent totals will bring about the following message:

Choosing “YES” will cause BSMGR to combine the two (or more) register tapes into one for sales journal purposes. Choosing “NO” will cause BSMGR to NOT add the second entry to the first.  The second close out will not appear in the sales journal.