Stock Check/Stock32 – Vendor Stock Checks

This program is licensed separately and not included with the standard electronic ordering package.

To set up the Stock Check utility, you need to go to the Electronic Variables screen of IVVM and enter the stock check modem number for the supported vendors.  We currently support stock checks with Appalachian, Chordant, and Arbor.

You will also need to go to SYS | ENVIRONMENT, page down until you see the KEYSTROKE entries, and on a blank line (with the cursor placed before the K in KEYSTROKE, insert a blank line by pressing <Enter>), type in the following:

There are three different ways to access the Stock Check program:

  1. Press <Ctrl F5> to call the Stock Check program from anywhere in Bookstore Manager.
  2. Select the stock check icon on the tool bar.
  3. Go to Utilities on the Menu Bar, highlight “Stock Check,” and press <Enter>.

The below left screen shot shows what a stock check by modem to Appalachian would look like.  The below right screen show an internet stock check.  Notice the internet stock check includes all participating distributors.


Note:    UNIX and DOS Stock Check users need to use the STOCKVEN program to indicate the vendor numbers of the companies that support stock checks.