Set Up of Point of Sale Departments and General Ledger Distribution
Several system configuration settings are key to customized point of sale. While point of sale is functional as the way it is distributed, settings such as department names, sales tax rates, etc., need to be setup before it is practical to use the point of sale for day to day business. Most of the those settings are in:
In SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config, set up:
Store Name, Departments, Pay Types & Misc., Coupons & Discounts, Paid Outs, and Credit Card/Credits. (See the SYStem Configuration instructions in the "Miscellaneous Other Programs" section of this reference manual.)
A. POS - Opening Point of Sale
At a terminal designated to be a Point of Sale, enter <POS> at the "Enter Program Name" prompt. The Passcode, Employee #, Freq Buyer #, Area Code, and Phone # fields can be set up according to your needs in SYStem Configuration. (See "POS - Opening POS Screen" for instructions on setting up these features.)
B. POS - Transactions
See "POS - Point of Sale Transactions" for detailed instructions for POS transactions.
However, we have compiled a Quick Reference for POS, which will give quick points of reference or shortcuts for some POS transaction routines. (You might want to photocopy the page and place in sheet protectors to keep at each POS terminal as a quick reference for employees.)
A. Total Routine
End of day/or mid-day total & close out of point of sale(s). Totals include department sales, taxes, etc. Totals will be cleared. For RMS Platimum users, totals will be automatically transferred to the sales journal (SLE).
B. Display Subtotals No Print
The department sales, total sales, taxes, etc. will be displayed to the screen. Totals are not cleared
C. Subtotal All Registers
All point of sale stations sales/totals will be consolidated and printed. Totals will not be cleared.
The SLTP program prints a list of all sales for the day by cash register entry. Each cash register is printed in a separate column, three registers to a page. No Point of Sale terminal should be open when this program is started. After printing has started, you may open Point of Sale.
A. View
The SLTR program allows you to view saved transactions.
B. Delete
Clear old transactions from the saved transactions file by running the SLTD program.
- Use the SLOC program to set up consignments. You may also print a list of consignees and a list of items on consignment.
- To ring up a consignment sale, a POS file must have been created by SLOC. Then you can enter <AUTO> at the POS "Item #" field and enter the consignment file number to ring up.
Gift Certificate/Layaway Maintenance - SLGL
SLGL is used for maintenance of gift certificates and layaways. A control number is automatically assigned when a layaway or gift certificate is set up at Point of Sale. To add your existing layaways or gift certificates, enter the control number already given. If you need to put items back in stock, take the amount from sales, and refund money paid, you must void the sale and delete the layaway through the Point of Sale.
Gift Certificate/Layaway Print - SLGP
To print outstanding gift certificate and layaway balances, use the SLGP options.
- Layaways that have been paid more than 90 days will be deleted when this program is run.
- Gift Certificates that have been completely used for more than 90 days will be deleted when this program is run.
The SLCC program allows you to view or print a report of electronic credit card transactions.
A. SLE - Add/Change/Delete Daily Sales
The sales for the day are automatically entered on the Sales Journal when an SLTL total routine is run. Use the SLE program to enter the cash for the day and any other changes if needed. You will have to select the store number and date. In this program you may add sales, change sales, and delete sales.
B. SLT - Total Sales Journal
View point of sale totals for a given period.C. SLP - Sales Journal Print
Print daily point of sales totals for a given month
D. SLA - Sales Journal Analysis
Compare department totals by month over a 5 year period.
Sales Forecast and Open to Buy
Run SLFC program to forecast sales and open to buy for the next three months.
The order entry programs OE, OED, OEL, OEP, and OEPOS are optional programs of Bookstore Manager Software. These program allow you to enter telephone orders for a customer, automatically ring up the order at the work station or point of sale, and make special orders for items that are not in stock. A picking ticket can be printed, and when the sale is rung up, a shipping label will be printed. Call BSMGR if you are interested in these programs.