Obtain the database file from Ingram and install in the BSMGR BOOK directory, using the filename: PFDFICHE.DAT.
Then, at the "Enter Program Name" prompt, enter <MISCDATA> and press <Enter>. Select "Ingram" and press OK.
After the Ingram database has been created, it can be accessed using the IVDI program, "Ingram" option. The items in the database will be listed in the same format as the IVDI Distributor database, except Ingram will not have the category/subject abbreviations option.
Create Arkansas Book Distributor Database
The Arkansas Book Distributor Database can be installed and added to the IVDI ("Data Base Inquiry") program. Obtain the file from the Arkansas Book Distributor and install in the BSMGR BOOK directory, using the filename: DOSTM.DAT
Then, at the "Enter Program Name" prompt, enter <MISCDATA> and press <Enter>. Select "Arkansas Books" and press OK.
After the Arkansas Book Distributor Database has been created, it can be accessed using the IVDI program, "Other 2" option. The items in the database will be listed in the same format as the IVDI Distributor database and can be looked up the same way, except the Arkansas Book database will NOT look up by category or word. Also, it will NOT have the category/subject abbreviations option.