The "Pull Returns" option within the PDA export option allows you to create returns in IVR and then sync them up with your PDA so that it will alert you of an item that you need to pull for a return while you're doing your inventory cycle counting.
*NOTE* When using this option you MUST have created at least 1 IVR return prior to doing the PDA export
*IMPORTANT!* Do NOT merge any return in IVR that you plan on using in conjunction with the PDA export/import.
When you click the "Pull Returns" option you will get the following pop up window:
The window on the left displays all of the returns you have created in IVR that have not been deleted. Select the return(s) you want to include on the PDA and click on the > to add them. After you have all of the returns you wish to add in the "Selected Returns" side then click ok to go back to the PDA Export window.
You will export and hot sync like normal. While you are doing your cycle count if you scan in any item that is on one or more of the returns you included then the PDA device will beep at you and the screen will flip over to the returns screen so you can adjust what you will be returning. At this point you will pull the product from your shelf.
See the PDA setup and use document for further detail. To access this type in <TUTOR> at "Enter Program Name", click on "BSMGR Tech Documents", double click on the appropriate PDA document from the list.