Note:   Included with Bookstore Manager Software is a complete Chart of Accounts setup, which we suggest you use as a starting point when setting up your General Ledger

****Run GLC and print out a General Ledger Chart of Accounts

Set Up Company Header General Ledger Recurring Entries
Clear GLAP File General Ledger Inquiry
Edit G/L Account Numbers End of Month Close Out
Make Your Entries Close of Year

Set Up Company Header - GLM

Clear GLAP File of Entries Included in the Beginning Balances

If you have been using the Accounts Payable program in BSMGR and are just now beginning to use the General Ledger, there may be entries in the GLAP file that are already included in the beginning balances of your General Ledger.

If you are initially setting up and need to clear out all entries that may have been entered inadvertently on Accounts Payable or General Ledger:

Edit General Ledger Account Numbers - GLM

The General Ledger programs come with a Chart of Accounts for a single store. Multi-Store users will need to download a Two-Store or Multi-Store Chart of Accounts.

A.    Add New Account

From the Chart of Accounts, check to see if the accounts set up in the General Ledger are all the accounts you will need.  If you need to add an account, use the GLM program, "Add Account" option.

B. Change Account Number

C. Multi-Store

You will need to download either the Two-Store Chart of Accounts or the Multi-Store Chart of Accounts (up to four stores).  Income and Expenses for each store will be under the 01, 02, 03, etc. accounts. The department 00 accounts are for the "parent" company.

D. Make sure the General Ledger account numbers are correct:

Make Your Entries - GLE

Enter the balance forward of all your General Ledger accounts, using the GLE program, "General Journal" option to make entries.  The entries MUST balance.

Note:   No beginning balance entries should be made into the “Current Year Earnings” account

G/L Recurring Entries - GLRM, GLRE, GLRP

GLRM allows you to set up General Ledger accounts so that entries for the same amount may be made automatically each month.  Assign a recurring index number so you can locate each recurring account.  Every debit entry must have a balancing credit entry.  You will need to run the GLRE program so the amounts will be pulled and entered in the General Ledger before you close out the month.  Using the GLRP program, you can print out a list of all recurring accounts

Note:     You do not have to use this program, as all manual entries for the month may be entered using GLE.

General Ledger Inquiry - GLI

Using the GLI program, you may look up any account in the General Ledger.  Enter the department number, then the account number.  You may then print the information or view it on your screen.  The account number, name, and balance forward will be shown; then a list of any entries made on the account for the month, with the ending balance.  You may view or print all the entries for the fiscal year for months that have been closed by choosing the "History Year" option instead of the "Current Month" option.

End of Month Close Out

A.    GLAP - Entry of Accounts Payable to General Ledger

B.    SLP - Transfer Sales to General Ledger

Multi-Stores will need to transfer the Sales Journal information to Store #1 (the store doing the General Ledger).  This information can be taken to Store #1 via the BBCP program (Optional Program), or via floppy.

After transferring Store #2’s information to Store #1, send the information to the General Ledger, using the SLP program, choosing Store #2.

C.      GLRE - Recurring Entries

If you are using the recurring entries feature, you must run the GLRE program to transfer to the General Ledger any recurring entries you have set up in the GLRM program.

D.      GLE - Reconciliation of Bank Statement and Adjusting Entries

Reconcile your bank statement and balance to your checking account in the General Ledger.

Note:    The end of year adjusting entries may be entered by the "Adjustment (Prior Period) Journal" option after the end of year has been completed.

E.      GLTB - Trial Balance

Run the GLTB program to see if the General Ledger balances.  If you are out of balance, you will need to locate and correct where you do not balance.

Note: The GLTB program MUST be run.

F.      GLIS - Income Statement

Print out the income statement using the GLIS program.

G.    GLBS - Balance Sheet

Note:   You may print the income statement and balance sheet as many times as needed.

H.      GLPJ - General Journal

Print the General Journal, using the GLPJ program.

I.       GLP - General Ledger

Print the General Ledger, using the GLP program.

J.       GLS - Set Up for New Month

Close of Year

A.      GLCR - Close to Retained Earnings

To close out your General Ledger for the year, you need to first close out the final month (12th period) and run GLS.  If you are on a fiscal year, this will be December. Do NOT make any adjusting entries after GLS has been run for the 12th period. Then run the GLCR program.  This moves the profit for the year to the Retained Earnings account.

B.      GLTB - Trial Balance

C.      GLS - Set Up for New Month

You MUST run this program.

D.      GLHU - History Update

You MUST run this program.

This sets the month to zero and moves the history to last year.  You will now be set to start the entries for the new year.

Note:    Last year’s history will be deleted when you run GLHU.  You should print any accounts that your accountant might need for making end of the year adjustments, if adjustments have not already been made.