Screen 3 - Promotions
BSMGR can support up to five (5) simultaneous promotions for the same product. For example, an item might be on sale for the month of July for 10% off; however, on a particular Saturday during the month the item is on sale for 20% off.
Special Pricing - Allows the user to designate certain mail list customers to receive special pricing. To acvivate this feature, set SYS Config #4053 to an “X” and then code the mail list customers “special pricing field” on the MLM “History and Misc.” tab to a 1,2,3 or 4 to correspond to the special price.Note: POS will recognize the best sale price at the time of a transaction. In the example above, the best price on 07/05/02 would be recognized, regardless of the order listed on the screen.