IVUL - 07 Set Beg/End Sale Dates

At this utility select OK=F5.  At the message, "Are you sure?" select Yes if you wish to continue.

Enter the beginning sale date and the ending sale date.  You will then be prompted to enter the item number or barcode number.  The title will be displayed, and the next prompt will be for you to enter the sale price.  Next, enter a promotion number for this sale, and select OK=F5.  The cursor will return to the item number/barcode number field for entering another item.  The sale date and promotion number fields will default as entered for the first item.  Enter the item numbers and sale prices for all items that will be on sale, and then select Cancel=Esc or press <Esc> to exit the program.

The sale price, beginning sale date, and ending sale date will be recorded on inventory maintenance (IVM) for each item.  At the Point of Sale, during the sale dates, the item will be rung up at the regular price with an asterisk to left of the "Price" field if verifying price. When rung up, the sale discount amount will be taken off, selling the item at the sale price.