Sub-Total Void Sale Change/Delete Item Misc. Options Save or Undo
Curriculum/Catalog Sales Order Entry Sales Consignments/Standing Orders Special Orders
Returns Layaways Gift Certificates Video Rentals

(1) Multiple Quantity - <Alt Q> or <arrow up key>, enter quantity in the "Qty" field, then scan or enter item number at "Item #" field.

(2) Line Item Discount

(3) Department Keys - At "Item #" field, enter amount of purchase, then press the function key for the applicable department, if known.

Note:   The Windows program locks out some function keys; therefore, you must press <Page Up> for some departments.

  • Depts 2-9 = F2-F9
  • Depts 12-19 = Shift F2- Shift F9
  • Depts 1, 10, 11 & 20 - <Page Up> and select Dept #.
  • Depts 21 through 24 - <Page Up> and select Dept. #.

(4) Sub Total – After ringing up items, press <F2>.

(5) Sub Total Discount - At Sub Total screen choose "F15 Sub Tl % Disc" or "F16 Sub Tl $ Disc" and select a type of discount.

(6) Void a Completed Sale - <VOID><Enter> activates void routine.  All items will automatically ring up with minus quantity and price and be taken out of sales.

(7) Change or Delete an Item from Sale Transaction - Arrow down to highlight the item, press <Enter>.  At the window, you may change unit quantity or the discount, or you may Delete the item from the sale.

(8) Misc. Options Command Button

(9) Save a Transaction - At Sub Total screen, press, <Alt H> ("Place on Hold" command button).

(10) Undo Sale - At Sub Total screen, press <Alt U> ("Undo Sale" command button).

(11) Curriculum/Catalog Sales - <C> space <the Catalog #>

(12) Order Entry Sales - <OEPOS> <Enter> At the window, enter the Order #.

(13) Consignments & Standing Orders - <AUTO> <Enter> At the window, enter Consignment Sale # or Standing Order #.

(14) Special Orders & Special Order Inquiry

(15) Returns

(16) Layaways – (Layaways are done in two transactions.)

(17) Gift Certificate – Sale

(18) Gift Certificate – Redeem

(19) Video Rentals & Returns

Note:   If a video is reserved, the Reservation Warning will list the Date & Membership #.  You can choose to override if you wish.