To open TRAIN, enter <TRAIN> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.


This program can be used for training new employees.  It will prevent entries being made in your accounts that would need to be cleared after training.

Copy Files

This option allows you to copy the BSMGR BOOK and BKHIST directories to new subdirectories of TB and TH off the BOOK and BKHIST directories to use for training purposes.

Note:   You will need enough space on your server hard drive to accommodate these training directories.

Delete Training Files

After the training is completed, this option allows you to delete the directories that you have copied for training purposes.

Enter Training Mode

This option allows you to use the copied BSMGR directories for training.  A message, "Training Mode On!", will be displayed before entering programs.

Note:   Limitations in the Training Mode

  • Cannot access System Maintenance.
  • Does not add inventory to the BSMGR Database.
  • Must exit out of BSMGR to shut off the training mode.