To open IVST, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <IVST> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.

IVST is similar to the IVP ("Inventory Masterfile Print") program, except in IVST, items will be sorted according to their sales totals.


Vendor by Title

Under a specific vendor, each item that has sold the minimum amount selected in the months chosen for the report will be listed.  May limit report to specific categories.  The items will be listed in the order of those with the most sales first.

Category-Alpha by Author

Under a specific or range of categories, each item that has sold the minimum selected in the months chosen for the report will be listed.  The items will be listed in the order of those with the most sales first.

All Vendors

Every item on the masterfile that has sold the minimum selected will be listed, starting with the item with the most sales.  Report may be limited by categories chosen.


Include in Sort

Select the months you wish to be included in the report.




Enter the vendor number of the vendor you wish to sort, or press <Enter> for all vendors.

Begin Category and End Category

Enter the category range you wish to consider on your report.  Will default to 001 in the "Begin Category" field and 199 in the "End Category" field.  To sort within a single category, enter that category number in both fields.

Min Sold to be Included

Enter minimum number of items sold to be included on the report.  You probably would not set this lower than three (3).

Max Sold to be Included

Enter maximum number of items sold to be included on the report. This allows you to print items that haven’t been selling well.

Use Custom Report

Select "Custom Report" and a window will be displayed asking you to enter the name of the report created in the RPT ("Report Generator") program for the format you wish to use.  The report will print with the last column being the sales sort quantity.  If you do not select "Custom Report," the report will print in the format set up in the program.

Select OK and select a print option to generate the report.

The standard report will be printed numerically by item number,   grouped by quantity sold, in the following format:

Item number, title, author, category, stocking level/maximum, in stock/on hand, on order, backordered, last sold, first received, total sales, and sorted sales.