
How do I install and update the Ingram PROfiche database on my Windows 95 or Windows 98 system?


One time: At the server, get to the Windows desktop, and insert disk 1 in the floppy drive. Right click the mouse in a vacant area on the desktop, and choose New | Shortcut. From the command line, type in:

A:INSTALL <Enter> <Enter>

A new icon will be created on the desktop for the Ingram Install program.
click the mouse on the new Install icon and choose Properties.
Click on the Program tab and click on the Advanced button.
Check the box beside the line "Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows".
Click on OK.
Click on OK

Monthly Update for Ingram’s Database: On the server, exit to DOS and delete the three Ingram update files in the BOOK directory. Type in:

CD \BOOK <Enter>
exit <Enter>

Insert the Ingram Update Disk and double click on the "Install" icon.

Arrow to "Install to Other" and press <Enter>

You will be prompted for where to install the data file. You need to install to the BOOK directory. Normally on the server this will be:

[ C:\BOOK               ] <Enter>

You will see a screen showing the available space on the hard drive and the space required by the installation program. If you have enough room, press <Enter> to continue. The program will start installing the files into the directory you entered. When that finishes, you will get the message that the "Installation of PROfiche files is complete". Press <Enter> to exit the program.

You now have the raw update data on your hard drive. After your evening backup, go back into BSMGR. At the Select Option prompt, type in:

IVUP <Enter>

Choose Option #2 for Ingram and answer the other questions asked. This will take the raw data from Ingram’s PROfiche database and put it in BSMGR format. We suggest that you run this program at night on the server because this program is hard drive intensive which will slow down a network and will probably take a while to complete.

Full Install of Ingram’s Database: Insert Disk 1 of the Ingram PROfiche database update and double click on the "Install" icon.

Arrow to "Install to Other" and press <Enter>

You will be prompted for where to install the data file. You need to install to the BOOK directory. Normally on the server this will be:

[ C:\BOOK               ] <Enter>

You will see a screen showing the available space on the hard drive and the space required by the installation program. If you have enough room, press <Enter> to continue. The program will start installing the files into the directory you entered. As prompted, insert the remainder PROfiche database disks. When that finishes, you will get the message that the "Installation of PROfiche files is complete". Press <Enter> to exit the program.

You now have the raw data on your hard drive. After your evening backup, go back into BSMGR. At the Select Option prompt, type in: INGRAM <Enter>. This will take the raw data from Ingram’s PROfiche database and put it in BSMGR format. We suggest that you run this program at night on the server because this program is hard drive intensive which will slow down a network and will probably take several hours to complete.

To enable access to the Ingram database from the IVDI program, you need to add the following line to your SYS | Environment file: