Bookstore Manager Software
Technical Support: RegOCX

In Windows, when I try to run some of the programs, I get the error message "Class Not Registered".  What do I do?

  1. Exit to a MS-DOS Prompt or Command Prompt.
  2. Change to the drive letter that has Bookstore Manager.
  3. Type in REGOCX <Enter>.

REGOCX is a batch file that uses the REGSVR32.EXE program included with Windows 95 and later, and Windows NT 4.0 and later.

Possible Errors:

LoadLibrary("<filename>") failed.
The batch file looks for the .OCX files in the \ACU directory on the current drive.   You must run the batch file at the drive letter that has Bookstore Manager. If you have installed Bookstore Manager Software into different directories than is standard, you will need to modify the REGOCX.BAT file (in the ACU directory) accordingly.
Bad Command or File Name
The name specified is not recognized as an
internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
You need to install the REGSVR32.EXE program into the SYSTEM sub-directory of you computer's Windows directory. Normally this is WINDOWS for Windows 95 and later and WINNT for Windows NT 4.0 and later.

If you need to download the REGSVR32.EXE program:
1. Click on the appropriate operating system below
Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 98 SR1

2. Choose "Save it to disk" and press the OK button
3. When prompted for the file name:
For Windows 95 or Windows 98, type in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\REGSVR32.EXE
For Windows NT 4, type in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM\REGSVR32.EXE

If you do not have internet access on the computer needing the REGSVR32.EXE file, you can enter A:\REGSVR32.EXE, then take the floppy to the computer that needs the file.

For Windows 95 or Windows 98, copy the file to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
For Windows NT 4.0, copy the file to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM


NOTE : If you did not use the default name for the Windows directory on installation, you must replace "WINDOWS" or "WINNT" with the directory name you used for Windows.