To open SLGL, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <SLGL> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.

Gift Certificates

Add Gift Certificate

Normally, gift certificates are sold at the Point of Sale and a certificate control number is automatically assigned.  An exception would be entering existing gift certificates sold prior to BSMGR installation.  After entering all the pertinent information, select F5-Options and choose Save.

Change Gift Certificate

Enter the control number, or press <F3> for "Gift Certificate Lookup."  After making any necessary changes, select F5-Options and choose Save.

Delete Gift Certificate

Enter the control number, or press <F3> for "Gift Certificate Lookup."  Select F5-Options and choose Delete.  Enter OK at the "Are you sure you want to delete?" message, and the gift certificate will be deleted


 Add Layaway

The Layaway Control Number is automatically assigned when a layaway is set up at the Point of Sale.  If making entry on existing layaways, enter the control number already given to the layaway, or press <F3> for Lookup.  Enter the name, address, telephone number, date set up, description of items, original amount, previously paid amount, payment amounts, and dates.  Select F5-Options and choose Save.

Change Layaway

Enter the control number and press <Enter>, or if you do not know the control number, press <F3> to lookup and select the one needed.  The layaway will be displayed and changes may be made.  Select F5-Options and choose Save.

Delete Layaway

Enter the control number or press <F3> to lookup.  If looking up layaways, highlight the one needed, press <Enter>, and select OK.  The layaway will be displayed.  Select F5-Options and choose Delete.  Select OK at the "Are you sure you want to delete?" message, and the layaway will be deleted.


Gift Cards

Delete a Giftcard

Enter the Gift Card number (Example: R 101).  Select OK at the “Are you sure you want to delete?” message, and the gift card will be deleted. The gift card can be reused after it has been deleted.

View a Giftcard

This option provides information about a gift card, including a 10-transaction history of the gift card.  The history will show the transaction amount and transaction number from POS.  It will also show the mail list number of the customer who used the card, if SYS Config #4017 has been set up to ask for telephone number before the sale begins.

Note - You can swipe the gift card in SLGL using a USB mag stripe.

Gift Card/Cert Deductions

This option provides way of deducting a set amount from gift cardsfs/certs. That have not been used in a certain length of time.