To open MLUL, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <MLUL> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.

Multi-Store Utilities


Each store has its own "Mailing List." From time to time you may wish to consolidate the lists into one list and replace each individual list with the consolidated one.  See Multi-Store documentation for instructions for doing this.

Change an Area Code

Enter the "Old Area Code" and the "New Area Code."  Then enter prefixes for this area code.  (Up to ten prefixes.)   Select  "Continue" to change to the new area code.

History Roll

This option moves current purchase totals and current transactions to last year’s purchase/transaction totals.  Total purchases/transactions are not affected.  You are given the option to exit without running the history roll.

Purge Tracking Detail

Enter the "Oldest Tracking day to keep on File."  This will permanently remove all tracking records prior to the date entered.

Select "Continue," and at the "Are you sure you want to delete?" message, select OK to delete.

A message window will display the number of records deleted.

Combine Tracking (Multi-Store Only)

This program allows you to combine the tracking information from one store to another.  See Multi-Store documentation for instructions.

Clear Coupon Amts:

This option allows you to clear to zero any accumulated amounts toward qualifying for coupons.

Select  "Continue," and the coupon amounts on all customers’ MLM accounts will be cleared.

Create Full Names

This is a special utility that is used for odd circumstances surrounding the optional ODBC driver.

E-Mail Maintenance

This option allows you to display and fix or delete invalid e-mail addresses (Ten at a time).

Note:   BSMGR’s E-mail is an optional feature and is only available for Windows users at this time.  Call the BSMGR sales department if you are interested in purchasing this feature.

Reset Tracking Categories

If you change a category, it will affect your mailing list history.  For example if you change Fiction from Category 58 to Category 200, the mailing list history for Fiction sales will remain with Category 58.  This utility will move the history to the new Category 200, thereby assuring an accurate report when tracking your customers’ Fiction purchases.

Combine Customers

This option allows you to combine the records of mail list customers.  This can be useful in a case where there are two mail list records for the same person.  They can be combined for sales history purposes

Reset Sales Tls

The program resets the sales based on the mailing list tracking history file. Whatever is in the purchase history will be reflected in the sales fields.  You can click "Titles" in MLM to view the purchase history

Clear '01' Titles

“Removes any “01” prefixes from names on the mail list.

Import Changes from Excel - MLP has an option to “Export to Excel”.  The user may make changes to address, phone, etc., and then import them back into BSMGR.  Instructions would be:

  1. Back up your Mailing List data (NAMES01).
  2. Export data to Excel using MLP.
  3. Change any of the following data fields:  Name, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, Customer Type, Related A/R#, Mail Codes and Email.
  4. To delete a name, blank the name field.
  5. Save the changes into a tab delimited file in the book directory called “NAMES.TXT.
  6. Import the changes back into BSMGR via MLUL “Import changes from Excel”.
  7. Verify your changes.