Screen 3 - Promotions

BSMGR can support up to five (5) simultaneous promotions for the same product.  For example, an item might be on sale for the month of July for 10% off; however, on a particular Saturday during the month the item is on sale for 20% off. 

Note:    POS will recognize the best sale price at the time of a transaction.  In the example above, the best price on 07/05/02 would be recognized, regardless of the order listed on the screen.

Special Pricing - Allows the user to designate certain mail list customers to receive special pricing.  To activate this feature, set SYS Config #4053 to an “X” and then code the mail list customers “special pricing field” on the MLM “History and Misc.” tab to a 1,2,3 or 4 to correspond to the special price. 

Misc. Fields - "User 1 Text", "User 1 Qty", and "User 1 $" are all user defined fields for personal store use only.  This is most commonly used to keep track of royalties that need to be collected for item sales.  The Misc Fields data will ONLY show up on ACCESS export reports or on a custom RPT reports using the labels "OTH1-TEXT", "OTH1-QTY" & "OTH1-DLRS".

"Consignment Sales" will increase in increments as the item is sold at POS (this number can be physically changed on this screen).  This field can be cleared using IVUL option # 31 Clear Consignment Sales.