To open APCB, press <Alt M> ("Menu") and follow the Menu path illustrated below, then press <Enter>, or simply enter <APCB> in the "Enter Program Name" field and press <Enter>.


  1. Open APCB and choose "Reconcile."   Enter zero in the opening balance field and enter the bank statement ending balance from the previous month in the ending balance field.  Then delete any checks and deposits that have cleared the bank, leaving the outstanding checks and deposits.

  2. If there are a large number of entries that need to be deleted, it might be easier to delete all existing entries in this program, using the method that follows, and then re-enter any checks and deposits that have not cleared the bank, using APCB, choosing "Reconcile" as above:

* UNIX - Exit to the $ prompt and change to the Book directory by typing:  cd/book <Enter>
Then type:
rm CK0* <Enter> (The 0 is numeric zero)
rm DP0* <Enter> (The 0 is numeric zero)

You are now prepared to use the APCB program to check the balance of your checking account and to reconcile your bank statements.  Enter the supervisory passcode.

Enter the "General Ledger Account Number" where revenue will be posted.  This will normally be the account number for the Cash Checking Account.  If you send credit card charges to an Accounts Receivable account, the amounts charged to credit cards will be shown in the General Ledger account where they will be posted.

Note:   If the number is not found, "Account number not on file" will be displayed.  Select Add, and the account will be added to the bank reconciliation program.

After you enter the account number, you have two choices:

The bank balance from the last bank reconciliation will be shown. (You must have already completed a bank reconciliation and chosen Done, for this figure to be displayed.)

The totals of "Uncleared Entries" will be shown (outstanding deposits minus outstanding checks).  These figures come from the deposits entered from the Sales Journal and the checks written on Accounts Payable.  Adjusting entries, extra deposits, and manual checks entered will also be reflected in this amount.

The "Current Balance" will be the difference of the last reconciliation balance and the uncleared entries.

  1. The "Bank Statement Opening Balance" will only be shown if you have completed a bank reconciliation and chosen Done.
  2. The "Bank Statement Ending Balance" will be zero.  When reconciling the bank statement, enter the ending balance of your bank statement.
  3. If you are making adjusting entries, inquiries or changes, leave the ending balance at zero.

As computer checks for the current month are written, they will be posted to the reconciliation program when you choose to make General Ledger entries for the check run.  Office checks entering and paying a new invoice will be posted to the reconciliation program.  Deposits for the current month will be written to the bank reconciliation program when you go to SLE, enter the amount of the cash, and then Save.   All revenue from sales will be posted to the accounts that are set up on SYS, Config File, Cash Register Config.  If the checks, cash, and credit cards go to the same account, an entry for the total amount will be posted.

When you choose "R" for (R)econcile, the "Bank Statement Opening Balance" will default from the preceding month.  If you only want to see what has been posted to the bank reconciliation, just select OK to continue.  If you want to reconcile your bank statement, you will need to enter the "Bank Statement Ending Balance," then select OK to continue.  The following screen will be displayed.

The checks written on Accounts Payable and sent to the General Ledger will be listed ("Checks") showing the check number, date, and amount.

The deposits posted to this account will be listed ("Deposits and Adjustments") showing the store number, the reference number (SLE will appear in the Ref column), type, date, and the amount of the deposit posted to this account. (If checks, cash, and credit cards are sent to this account, then the total of all of them will be entered as one amount.)

The "Bank Opening Balance" will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

The "Bank Ending Balance" will be shown, if you have entered the amount.

The "Balance Cleared" will be shown if you have cleared checks or deposits.   The checks are a credit amount and the deposits are a debit amount.  The checks cleared will be subtracted from the deposits cleared to give the total of this field.

The "Difference" will be shown.  When reconciling the bank statement, this amount should be zero when all items through the bank are cleared.  When choosing the <F5> option, Done, if the difference is not zero, "Your balance cleared is not 0.  Do you wish to accept it?" will be displayed.

Note:    The only time you would accept the balance when it is not zero would be when first beginning your bank reconciliation program.

Clear/Unclear F6

When you are reconciling your bank statement, highlight a check or a deposit and select this command.  This will mark the amount as cleared through the bank and will put an asterisk in the "Clr" column.  You can unclear an amount the same way, and it will take off the asterisk.

When an amount is cleared/uncleared, the balance cleared will be noted at the bottom of the screen.  Checks are cleared as credits, and deposits are cleared as debits.

Add F8

To manually add-in a check, a deposit, or an adjustment, press <F8>.  Must be in the "Checks" list box  to add a check, and in the "Deposit and Adjustments" list box to add a deposit or adjustment.

Resort F7

When the cursor is in the "Checks" list box, this option re-sorts the checks in numerical order by number or date.  When the cursor is the "Deposits and Adjustments" list box, the deposits are re-sorted.

Note:   The first <F7> will sort by date.  Therefore, if the list is already in order by date, you will need to select <F7> again to sort by number.

Chg/Del F9

Highlight the item you want to change and select this command button or <F9>.

  • When in the "Checks" list box, the pop up window allows you to add, change, or delete a check.  Select "Delete=F6" to delete ("Are you sure you want to delete?" will be displayed), or select "OK=F5" to save the entries.

  • When in the "Deposits and Adjustments" list box, the pop up window allows you to add or delete a deposit or to make an adjustment.  Select "Delete=F6" to delete ("Are you sure you want to delete?" will be displayed), or select "OK=F5" to save the entries

Options F5

Save - Will save the changes made.

Print - Will print out the reconciliation entries. The checks and deposits will print on different pages.  Each page will show the "Opening Balance," "Ending Balance," "Balance Cleared," and "Difference."

Done - Choose Done when you have finished reconciling the bank statement with the "Difference" at zero.

Exit - Will exit the program without changes being saved.

Cancel Options Screen - Will close options screen.