1. Accounts Payable Vendors Set-up

APM Add new accounts  Change Accounts     Delete Accounts

2.    Enter Invoices/Credit Memos:

APE Invoice/Credit Memo
You can delete an unpaid invoice or an unused credit memo by using APE “Delete Unpaid Invoice” or “Delete Unused Cr Memo.”

3.    Enter Manual Office Check:

APE Office Check
  • You may enter a new invoice (one that has not been entered on computer to be paid) and mark as paid with an office check, by selecting the "Enter and Pay Invoice" option.
  • You may mark an existing invoice (one that has already been entered to be paid) as paid with an office check, by selecting the "Mark Existing Invoices as Paid" option.
  • You may mark an existing credit memo (one that has already been entered to be used) as used with an office check, by selecting the "Mark Existing Cr Memos as Used" option.

4.    Accounts Payable Inquiry:

API Enter the vendor number to view activity on account; what has been paid/unpaid, etc.

5.    Accounts Payable Required Amounts Due:

APR This program will tell you what is due, by the due date entered, for one or for all vendors. You can get either a detailed report or totals only.  The report can be printed or viewed.

6.    Discounts Report:

APDP Prints a report showing the vendors that have discount amounts that may be taken on invoices to be paid.  Will print vendor number, vendor name, invoice number, discount due date, gross amount, discount, and net amount due.

7.    A/P Aging Report:

APA Will print a report showing the amounts due, by month, for each vendor and totals for month.

8.    Pay by Due Date or by Invoice:

APDD Pulls invoices/credit memos to be paid/taken by the due date.  Prints a pre-write check audit.
APBI Pulls invoices/credit memos to be paid/taken by tagging them.  Prints a pre-write check audit.
Note:   You may pull invoices/credit memos to be paid/taken by due date, using APDD.  Then Untag invoices you do not want to pay or tag other invoices you want to pay using APBI on the same check run.
Note:   APUL can be used to Untag all items that have been pulled, to be paid.

9.    Print the A/P Checks:

APCP Will print the checks to vendors for which invoices/credit memos have been pulled/tagged to be paid.  You may re-print the check run.

10.    Void of A/P Check:

APE The "Void a check" option will allow you to void an A/P check.
You must know the vendor number, the check number, and the net amount of the check.

11.    Untag all invoice/credit memos:

APUL Will Untag all invoices/credit memos that have been tagged so checks will not be written

12.    Print out Check Register:

APCR Will print out a list of all checks written through Accounts Payable for the period requested.
