IVM Screen 1
Field #
101: Item ? - If add: Enter the item number or scan. ? means press <F1> for options: 1 = Inventory Inquiry, 2 = Change this Item #. The BSMGR Database will be searched for item and if found, the information will be transferred. The Category and On Hand fields will need to be edited. If not found in BSMGR Database, will need to enter all information.
If Change/Delete: Scan or enter an item number. If the number you enter is not found, "Sorry, no such item on file..., Press any key", will be displayed.102: Barcode # - The barcode number will be filled in if item is scanned, or will default to the item number. May scan the barcode in this field to put barcode found on item in this field if not found in database.
103: Catalog # - Enter the catalog number. The catalog number may be printed on a purchase order but will not be sent electronically. The catalog number is used for standing order items. You may print this field on barcode/price labels by choosing "C" in the SYStem Config File, #5 Change Miscellaneous Configurations, Line #300.
104: Desc. - Enter the title/description of the item if not found in the database.
105: Auth/Artist - Enter the author/artist for item if not found in the database. Be consistent in the way you enter author/artist names so you may display them together on inventory inquiry by author, and be able to choose mailing labels for tracking by author.
106: Misc - Enter any notes you may want for this item. This field is thirty-five characters long. First 10 characters may be printed on barcode/price labels by putting a "M" in SYS Config File, #5, line 300.
107: Pub/Mfg - Enter the publisher/manufacturer of the item if item is not found in the database. This is not a required field, only for your information.
108: Vendor 1? - Enter the primary vendor from which you will order this item if item is not found in the database. ? means press <F1> for look-up of vendor number. Enter the name <Enter> and a list of vendors will be displayed. Highlight correct one and press <Enter> and the vendor number will be transferred to the maintenance screen. Or enter the abbreviation of the vendor as set up in IVVM (up to five characters) and the number of the vendor will be filled in. The abbreviation as set up in IVVM will also be displayed. When a inventory work order or an automatic purchase order is run, if an item is below stocking level, a work order or purchase order will be made for the primary vendor in vendor #1 field.
109: Vendor 2? - Enter the vendor from which you may want to order this item. Line 703 in the SYStem Config Misc Options, will default this vendor #. (Normally a distributor.) Press <F1> will look up vendors as in Vendor #1. The abbreviation as set up in IVVM will be displayed. When a distributor work order or a distributor purchase order are made, this Vendor field as well as the other Vendor fields will be checked and if the distributor number is found and the item is below stocking level, the item will be pulled to the work order or purchase order.
110: Vendor 3? - Enter the vendor from which you may want to order this item. Line 708 in the SYStem Config Misc Options, will default this vendor #. (Normally a distributor.) Press <F1> will look up vendors as in Vendor #1. The abbreviation as set up in IVVM will be displayed. When a distributor work order or a distributor purchase order are made, this Vendor field as well as the other Vendor fields will be checked and if the distributor number is found and the item is below stocking level, the item will be pulled to the work order or purchase order.
111: Category 1? - Enter the primary category for the item. Press <F1> for look up. Enter the first three letters of the category and the number of the category will be filled in. Six characters of the category will be displayed. Will find the first alphabetical name if more than one category starts with the same three letters. The primary category will print on barcode/price labels.
112: Category 2? - Enter the second category (if needed) for the item. Press <F1> for look up. Enter the first three letters of the category and the number of the category will be filled in. Six characters of the category will be displayed. Will find the first alphabetical name if more than one category starts with the same three letters. The secondary category will print on barcode/price labels if you enter an "A" in the SYS Config File, #5, Line 300.
113: Location - Enter the location in the store of the item. Five characters may be used. This field may be printed on barcode/price labels if a "L" is put in SYS Config File, #5, Line 300.
114: Max. - Enter the maximum amount of the item you want to stock.
115: Min. - Enter the minimum amount of the item you want to stock.
116: On Hand - Enter the amount of the item you have in stock.
117: Consignment - The amount on consignment will be filled in as the item is put on/off consignment.
118: On Order ? - The amount on order will be filled in as the item is put on order or taken off as orders are merged. Press <F1> for look-up options: 1 = This Stores P.O.s 2 = Multi-Store Breakout. Option 1 will show the Item Number, P O Number, amount on order, amount on backorder, the status of the order, special orders, and title of item. Option 2 will give you the multi-store distribution of the items on order.
119: Back Order - The amount on back order will be filled in as items are backordered, merged, or canceled on the purchase order.
120: Spl Order ? - The amount on special order will be filled in as special orders for the item are put on order and taken off when merged. ? means <F1> will take you to the "IVSI" program for Special Order Inquiry by customer name, title, or item number.
121: U.S. Retail - Enter the U.S. Retail dollar amount. This field will be filled in if pulled from the database.
122: Our Price #1 - Enter the price you will charge for the item. This field will be filled in if pulled from the database.
123: Our Price #2 - Enter the price you will charge for the item if they purchase a certain quantity. (The quantity they will have to purchase is the Qualify Amt directly to the right.)
124: Our Price #3 - Enter the price you will charge for the item if they purchase a certain quantity. (The quantity they will have to purchase is the Qualify Amt directly to the right.)
125: Sale Price - If the item is on sale, enter the sale price. (The item will be rung up at regular price with an asterisk to the right of the price, denoting sale price. The difference will be taken off as a sale discount. The sale dates are must be filled in.
126: Begin Date - Enter the date the item goes on sale.
127: Ending Date - Enter the date the item goes off sale.
128: Discount - Enter the average discount you receive on this item. Will default to average discount received for vendor on "IVVM" program.
129: Wholesale - The wholesale dollar amount will be figured using the discount entered.
130: Qualify Amt - The number of items that must be sold to sell at the lower price.
131: Qualify Amt - The number of items that must be sold to sell at the lower price.
132: Units Pkg - The number of units in a package, default is one.
133: Buy Back - Number of items that you will buy back.
134: Buy @ Price - Amount to pay when item is bought back.
<F2> = Screen 2 - Press <F2> to go to second maintenance screen.
<F3> = History - Press <F3> and the sales history of the item will be displayed. Will show current and last years quantity and transaction amounts for each month, month to date totals, and grand total since items was put on computer.
<F4> = Options - Press <F4> for Options. (S)ave, (D)elete, (C)ancel, (U)ndo, (Q)uit
(S)ave - (S) will save the information entered.
(D)elete - (D) will delete the item from inventory.
(C)ancel - (C) will cancel the Options window.
(U)ndo - (U) will undo the changes made or information entered.
(Q)uit - (Q) will exit the program.